Sunday, January 15, 2012

Sacred Seven - Ep9

Episode – 09 – Summary

Here we are seeing how much Arma has change over the course of the series. That these changes only really become apparently when Ruri tries to give him his homework to turn in that she did in his stead. Although the teacher finds out and calls him out on it. That he can't have his girlfriend do his work for him. Then we go on to see that people now see him differently than they did before, that he is just really embarrassed about how different that he was from them. That by interacting with Kagami and Ruri it has got him to be accepted by everyone else at the school.

This environment leads us to the main point of the story where we are dealing with an attack from two dark-stones at the same time. This is a bit of a problem because up until now Arma has been the only one to truly deal with the problem while everyone else provide support. However this time Kagami and Ruri have to try and take down one of them while Arma take on the other. This turns out to be a bit problematic because Kagami's team seem to do nothing but to either annoy it or slow it down a bit. While Arma's dark-stone is just too fast to catch or is just unwilling to fight him.

This stalemate finally ends when Arma is filled with the desire to protect his town, which gives him the power that he needs to defeats it. Although he needs to get across town quickly to deal with the other one. How he does this is unlocks and use the same super-speed that was being used against him to reach and dispatch the other dark-stone. Then an even great problem arises when this proves to be a tactic to wear them down. In this dire situation Arma use the last of his strength so soundly defeat them before they could reach Ruri sister Aoi in the mansion.

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