Sunday, January 15, 2012

Sacred Seven - Ep11

Episode – 11 – Summary

It is the beginning of the end because at the very start, we see that Ruri is set-up by Kenmi. The reason that is that she has been evading her tax and this gives the government the right to arrest her and take hold of all of her possessions. Although this is all a clever trap made by Kenmi, but as of yet we don't know to what end. This leads us to the school where Arma escapes with the help of his friends from the rock club. That allows for him to meet up with Kagami. Then shortly after Kagami is done explaining the situation, Kenmi special force come to arrest Kagami and Arma. However they are saved by Ruri's maids. Fei ask him to bring him along so that he can save his brother, also informs them about Knight has alright gone to kill Kenmi.

This set things up for them to storm Kenmi's Lab to save Ruri, but as this is happening Kenmi is explaining why he has her strapped down to the medical table. He explains that all he research around the Sacred Seven centers around the aztec legend of taking the heart out of living sacrifice. That people with Sacred Seven their hearts become the cores. That he intents to cut out Ruri's heart, but as he is doing this Ruri crystallize herself to keep her heart from being cutout. Just Kenmi is about to get Cylcops to break the crystal to get Ruri's core, the lab starts to come under-attack from Knight.

While this is happening Arma & Co. is going us Knight as a distraction to reach Ruri, while Fei is going to act as Arma's guide. This goes well for the most part until Cyclops who real name is Honyu slits them up and Arma is force to go into a warehouse area where he finds his mothers keepsake. Then he is save from Honyu by Knight, this leads to Fei telling Knight that he can still save his brother because he has the serum with him. Although while all this is happening Arma heads off to continue his search for Ruri.

When he finds Ruri he is shocked that she is crystallized like her sister Aoi was, but when he gets there he see that the crystallization is continuing even further so he choose to use his mothers keepsake that he has been looking for all this time to save her. Although while doing this he is reminded of the very first time that he meet the Aiba's, and he save Ruri's life when they were childern. Once Ruri wakes up Kenmi informs him that everything from the time that he used his powers three years ago to all the dark-stone monsters that he fought were all his doing to grow cultivate Arma Sacred Seven powers so that when he uses both of their powers he will become a god. Then just a this happens Honyu burst into the room after Fei save him, only to kill the scientist that was responsible for all his pain and suffering. Although while his back is turned Kenmi kill him and absorb his core and is acting like he has become a god, this leaves us on our cliff-hanger.

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