Sunday, January 15, 2012

Sacred Seven - Ep3

Episode – 03 – Characters

Professor Kenmi – He is someone who is researching the Seven Sarced power, although through him we learn a lot more like they already know about everyone that has this power. Even though he ends up reveling a lot, it seems like he has a lot more the hide. In the end he doesn't seem like he is on anyone's side but his own.

Kijima Knight – Is the shadowy figure that has been indirectly involve in the last to episodes. In the begin we want to say that he is an enemy but it seems more like he is carrying out a personal vendetta against Kenmi but it could be justified since only seems to be acting out of necessity.

Feizoi Lau – It seems at this moment we don't know what part she will be playing in the future but currently we only know she is working with Kijima to get some sort of revenge on Kenmi.

Episode – 03 – Summary

In the beginning of the episode starts off with Ruri bidding on a gem for Arma to use his Scared Seven powers, but Hell-brick believe that she payed way too much for it. Although while all this was happening Kagami is escorting Kenmi for some reason that is never really explained. However they end up getting attack by the mysterious figure that has been shown in the last couple of episodes. He quickly goes through Kagami but before he can even reach Kenmi transforms using something similar yet different from Arma's powers. Then while all this is going down Arma sense the power of a dark-stone and goes to check-it out. Although by time he gets there Kenmi is winning but it seems that the proximity the the other dark-stones is forcing him to transform into the dark-stone from the first episode but in the end the leave.

Then later when ruri meets up with Kenmi to find out what is going on. It seems that the shadowy figure that we were seeing in the last couple episode was the one responsible for the last couple dark-stone attacks. Also it appears that his name is Kijima Knight, and he is working with some name Feisoi Lau. Although we don't know of the second names important as of yet. However current Kijima wants to kill him, while he says that he is only trying to help him. Although if you look closely at how Kenmi talk make it seem like anything Kijima is not necessarily untrue. This is a bit suspicious, but Ruri agrees to give all the help she can.

This is where we find ourselves later at night at Kenmi lab, and before anything further happens he explains that Kijima's goal is getting some drug to keep from turning completely into a dark-stone. Although Arma questions whether or not anyone has ever been unable to change back but Kenmi nether confirmed or denies this question on whether it has happened before. Although before this can go any further Kijima starts his attack.

What is interesting is that he doesn't attack them directly just works on releasing dark-stones to keep the force on the roof occupied, so that they will be unable to interfere with his real goal. Although once he gets to the drug by passing through the walls the incinerate the drug but he still manages to escape. Although he only goes after Kenmi to see if he can get the drug. However Arma is there waiting for him although Kijima seems to be more interested in talking with Arma than fighting him. Although in the end he escapes but it seems his next target is Ruri. In the end you don't really know what to make of Kijima or Kenmi because it seems that they are not on anyone's side but their own.

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