Sunday, April 28, 2013

Shingeki no Kyojin - ep04

Now that training has begun for Eren they focus in on another matter entirely and that is the deeper meaning behind the training. That it is only through his conflict with Annie does he learn this truth. That only the ten most capable earn the right to work as the military police, it means that the military police are nothing but glorified bodyguard of the high-ranking official of society. That instead what they should be doing is fighting on the front lines so that they can work towards defeating the titans. That how things work out in they end is that everyone is working towards being the top ten so that they can be furthest from the fighting. This really rubs Eren the wrong way, that thing shouldn't be this way.

This revelation later cause Eren to get in a fight with Jean because of his blunt desire to live a comfortable life in the inner city. That he uses this as an opportunity to try and convey the absurdity of the situation to the rest of them. That it is useless to seek a life in the inner city because at one time this was considered as part of the inner city. That it is ridicules that they learn to fight to only run away. That in the end it becomes clear that Jean doesn't care about anyone but himself, that he doesn't care if everyone else dies around him as long as he can live a comfortable life. However through this conflict has gotten some of them to began to question what they really should be doing, if choosing to fight would be better than waiting to die.

Then once graduation comes around and it's decide who can choose to enter the Military Police. Then at the celebration party Eren makes it clear that he isn't going to enter the Military Police even though he can. It seem ridicules to quite a few because that was their goal. Although it is only now that he has a choice of a comfortable life and choose to reject do people see how serious he was able his goal that it wasn't just hot air. That through his final words to his classmates it got some of the other top scores to change their minds as well and enter the Recon Corps like Eren did. Although things are starting to look up and that Rose will not fall as Maria did. Then just as Eren is in the position that he dream of for so long do the Titans attack. Now that the wall is threatened once again how will he fair when he is in a position to fight back.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Date A Live - ep04

In the first half of the episode they focus in on the aftermath of the last episode. One of the things they go about explaining is that Shido's kiss has the ability to seal a spirits powers but apparently if they become distress enough the seal will break. This leads us into the next point where Touka will be living with Shido. After hearing the explanation Shido believes everything is finished, however this is his foolish belief that everything will return to normal. It seems that in the future not just Touka will be living here but all the other spirits that he saves as well. Even though this answers the question of why Touka lost her clothes when Shido kissed her and how she was going to live in his world. The key question is why does he have this power, does this mean that Shido himself is a spirit as well or is at least related to them in someway to have this ability.

This moves us further into the story where Touka is getting use to her new life. Although it seem that there is a bit of conflict brewing between Touka and Origami over Shido, it also could be seen as foreshadowing as what his life is going to be like when more spirits start to join him in his home. However things are limited to minor things like who cookies does Shido like better, and Origami's growing suspicion over Touka with them coming to school with the same bento. Then at home his sister is determine to increase his skill at talking with woman, so she has him repeatedly run into Touka in vary uncomfortable ways. This usually involve at least one if not both of them being naked.

Once it has been defined how Touka's presence has changed Shido's life, they move onto the next Spirit which is called the Hermit. It seem that Shido has encounter her before and didn't know at the time that she was a spirit. Although that really doesn't change how he feels when he see the she is being bullied by the AST. This gives him the resolve to try and save her like he saved Touka. Although thing aren't going to go as smoothly as they did last time especially when Touka shows up because she is worried about Shido. It turns out that she couldn't have shown up at a worse time, it doesn't help things when Yoshinon starts antagonizing Touka through her puppet. Things get much worse when Touka attacks the puppet and ends up taking it away from Yoshinon which results in her summoning a monstrous version of the same puppet which results in Shido getting injured. It seems that before he can try and help Yoshinon he is going to have to fix his relationship with Touka.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Valvrave the Liberator - ep03

Now that they have set the general premise for the story they are now focusing on the soci-political atmosphere that the story is taking place in. The world that the story is set in there are only three government the rule over the whole world. The first is Dorssia which was formed by war, that they grew by absorbing other countries into themselves. Then you have ARUS which is Dorssia's polar opposite where they grew by making trade agreement with other countries. It is clear that Dorrsia and ARUS are built on their real-life counter parts, which is some ways it is paying tribute to the political conflict that existed during the cold-war since these to rival counties are modeled after American and Russia. Then lastly you have JIOR the odd man out that is part of neither side, and how thing will play out is that JIOR will determine the fate of the war.

This point is further emphasized with the appearance of ARUS Senator. Normally in this sort of setting this high rank person would what the protagonist to play the part of the hero and lead the charge to defeat the evil empire. Although instead this Senator says that he wants Haruto to run away. The reason being is that ARUS wants to maintain the status quo. The thing is as long as JIOR exists then there is a buffer nation for the Dorrsia to go after, but if it were to go away then the only thing that would be left would be for Dorrsia and ARUS to fight each other until only one is left standing in the end. That is why to maintain the balance JIOR can't join either side that must remain neutral although not by choice.

This leads into addressing other question once the political atmosphere is explained. First is the question of what did Valvrave do to Haruto. It seem like any damage that Haruto suffers cause him to undergo a transformation where he is psychologically compelled to bite someone so that his mind would have somewhere to go while his body heals. This would be fine if it happened only during fatal wounds, but for even to the extent of a paper-cut is excessive. Further more they answer another question about what is going to happen to L-elf, it seems that he wants to partner up with Haruto to overthrow the Dorrsia government. The question this creates is why does he want to do this, and what does he hope to achieve by trying to start a rebellion within his own country. However one thing they have yet to explain is what is the true nature of Valvrave.

Devil Survivor 2 - ep04

It's seems that things aren't going to get better for Hibiki anytime soon, it seems that Yamato doesn't give them any time to morn Keita and immediately sends them out on another mission. While to a degree it is understandable when one of the Septentrion attacks now that the barrier is down. Although what is particularly strange about Yamato's battle strategy is that he intends to play a purely defensive battle. That it is through this battle that it raises question on the fact of is Hibiki doing the right thing by fighting for JP's it seems that commander Yamato is will to sacrifice everyone if the means that he can live. This is reflected in his defensive battle by sending the weakest to the front and the strongest to the back. It doesn't take long for Hibiki to become disgusted by this plan. This leads him to abandoned his position as the last defender to go to the front lines.

Hibiki does this in the hopes of trying to save as many people as possible, although he was there at the second defense line. It turns out that this enemy has an immunity to lighting so Byakko isn't as useful as he has been. That because of this weakness he was unable to save the second line from annihilation, that in the end he only survived because of Byakko. This lead him into meeting Alcor but when the person that associate himself with the enemy says he is Yamato's friend, this cast even more doubt on Yamato's character. This doubt is expanded further when he has Nitta replace Hibiki as the final defender with the slights hesitation.

It is becoming clear that JP's is beyond being weak, it begins the raise the question of how they survived this long with being as weak as they are. That in the end they survival is dependent upon the people that were just thrown into their situation days ago. Then as it appears that Nitta is having an effect with her new devil it is not enough to do any real damage. Then Hibiki shows up to save the day when everything is almost lost. Then in the aftermath Hibiki meets an ex-JP's team member who is going to tell him about Yamato and why he shouldn't be following him if he agrees to come with him. Things end with JP's in chaos with the disappearance of Hibiki.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Shingeki no Kyojin - ep03

This is a beginning of another new arc, while the last one was about the fall of wall Maria this time it is about the beginning of Eren's training to become a soldier. In the beginning thing look promising for Eren with him being on of the few that didn't suffer the wrath of the boot camp instructor. Then later on when the others enlistments finding out that he was from Shiganshina where the giants broke through Maria. It leads to him becoming popular with him being about to give a first hand account of what happened there. Although this happy time for Eren doesn't last long when the following day come when their training begins.

It seems that before thing can truly begin they are given an aptitude test on their ability to use the 3D movement equipment. Which it turns out that most are successful while Eren himself fails miserably at it. This leads to him fall very far from where he was yesterday, this leads him into asking everyone he can think of for help. Even the person he least what help from Jean Kirstein who he had a fight with the previous day. That it is through this trial that he finds out who he can trust and also leads him into having some insight into why everyone is here. That it seems that most just wish for a comfortable life at the inner city and don't want to fight the Giants at all. However he found one person that believes in him Reiner Braun, who helps him with adjusting his belt to increase his odds of success tomorrow.

The next day is the day that will determine if Eren will be able to pursue his wish to become a soldier. Although it turns out that no-matter what happens Mikasa is determine to stay by his side regardless of today's outcome, which seems to hint at the fact that Mikasa feels something far deeper that simply being Eren's Childhood friend. In the beginning it seems that Eren is successful but it doesn't take long for things to turn sour. Then once the instructor orders for them to drop him, and follows it up with an order of someone to give Eren their belt. It seems that Eren's failure was not because of his ability but had to do with someone giving him defective equipment so no-matter how skill he might have been he could have never succeed in the first place. Then with his passing he is one step closer to his goal of being a soldier, but it seems that Mikasa seems to believe that he is overjoyed about not having to be separated from her.

Date A Live - ep03

Now continuing from last time where Shido and Tokka set off for their date. Although the interesting thing is that Tokka decided to go on a date with Shido but didn't even know what it was. Initially would think because she is able to converse with Shido she would know something about our world. This mostly results in their date revolving around food or in this case Tokka eating while Shido is force to pay for it. This date become a bit more demented once his sister gets involved, this leads to a total conversion of a part of town just so Shido can have a place to take Tokka on their date without driving him into the poor house.

Then from here things seem to be going well until they win two tickets to Dream Park, but naturally would might think that this would be a theme park which would be a good place for Shido to take Touka. This turns out not to be the case, this Dream Park turns to be a love hotel, which cause Shido a bit of grief since he doesn't want to go in there with Tokka or at least not yet. Even more so he doesn't even want to explain it. Once Shido avoid explaining what Dream Park is they end up at an arcade because of the sudden rain. Then they leave the arcade after winning Tokka something that looks like a stuffed potato.

Then as their day together comes to an end as they are watching the sunset together, Tokka reflects on why the mech people are always trying to kill her. That Shido's world is a fun world and they are just trying to protect from the destruction that she unintentionally causes. The leads her to begin to belief that they might be right, however Shido doesn't like the direction that her thoughts are taking her. This lead him into suggesting, what if she just stayed here. Then as Tokka is considering this very tempting offer to stay with him in this wonderful world. Things start taking a turn for the worse.

It seems as they are talking Origami is setting up to snipe Tokka, although things don't go as plan when Shido notice what's going on and pushes Tokka out of the way just as Origami fires. Then once Tokka realize what has happen, she wants revenge on Shido's murderer. However it turns out for what ever reason that Shido isn't dead, that not long after he has died something happens to cause him to be resurrected. This is probably the reason that his sister choose him for her plan. Then with Shido return he has to calm Tokka down, it seems that his sister idea is for him to kiss Tokka. Although once he reaches her and suggest they kiss, it leads him into having second thoughts. However it turns out that Tokka isn't going to give him a choice, this leads into a happy resulting with minimal damage. Things end with the announcement that Tokka is the new transfer student, with her being assigned to the same class as Shido and Origami. I don't think that this will end well at all, but it's not like Origami can really do anything to Tokka.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Valvrave - ep02

Things start up with returning to the zombie moment parody, it turns out last time that Haruto didn't become one of the undead even-though it is unclear why he was compelled to act like that. Then end result was that he end up high-jacking L-elf the leader of the covert Ops team. What this event creates is something interesting, that by the time that his friends find him already healed. Things quickly change from a happy reunion with the arrival of L-elf comrades, although they don't know that L-elf is possessed by Haruto. This place Haruto in the perfect position to save his friends, although they don't know it's really him.

Then once they manage to escape his friends have a strange way to test if it truly is him. Normally you would expect question that only Haruto would know, but instead they use rock-paper-scissors to verify his identity. It turns out the reason that they use this is because he has never once in his entire life that there is no-way there could be another person as bad at it as he is. The once it has been accept that he is who he says he is this starts them down the path of retrieving Haruto's body but Haruto doesn't just want his body back but the mech as well as that he can get revenge for Shoko. Although while all this is going on it appears that their country surrender to Dorssia, making this a one day war if even that.

This event transitions us into Haruto counter-offensive, which leads him in taking back both the machine and his body. Although one thing he didn't count on was his friend Yukino coming along for the ride. Once he is able to get back into the fight things don't go as well as last time because he is having a difficult time moving in space. What makes it worse is this time around he isn't just agaisnt grunts but L-elf's comrades that believe that he is a traitor. This creates another reverence from Gudam Seed as one of the attackers has lost an eye and is seeking revenge.

When all seem lost, the machines overheat gauge jumps from 100 to 666. This number appears to not have much meaning to the Japanese but to westerners we recognizes this as the number of the beast. That might mean that this mech is not just a machine but it might also be magical in nature, that maybe to pilot it you must sell your soul to the devil. There is another question that this bring up is the reason on why it jump, it most likely has to do with Haruto receive a call from a dead person or someone that he believed was dead. This twist changes everything because he became a monster to avenge Shoko but what valve does that have when the person you did all this for isn't dead. Then his desire change to survive so that he could finally say what he couldn't say but once he is face to face with Shoko once again. It turns out that he could go through with it because he is now a monster and because of that he doesn't believe that he has a right to love her or perhaps anyone for that matter.

Devil Survivor 2 - ep03

Things start out with their pursuit of Kano Fumi, that once they arrive in Osaka they are greeted by two new summoners. The first is Hinako and the other is Keita, while Hinako is polite Keita on the other hand is the exact opposite. This result in Keita going off to do his own thing while Hinako takes them to Kano Fumi's room to see if there is a possiblity that there would be something that would lead them to her. Although from this point things become a bit pridictable. This done by the lead scientist that work on the barrier goes missing than shortly after a search party has been sent to look for her the barrier is under-attack. This leads them to change the priority however in the end they still end up finding Kano Fumi because she is the one that was behind the attack on the barrier.

Although during all of this they end up throwing in a bit of a twist that you wouldn't really expect. That they end up quickly killing off Keita at the end of the episode, while leading you to believe that he will be joining Hibiki's group along with Hinako. They furhter lead you to believe this by showing you a dead clip knowing that he is going to die soon, that Hibiki intends to find him and prevent it. That through this clip they are leaded to the hacker and Keita. Which comes the further believe that Keita is going to live to become part of the group because his death was already prevented, which give the view false hope since you believe he is safe now. Although in the end even though they knew where he was going to die and they were with him, in the end they still couldn't save him. This makes thing interesting because now it implies that none of the are safe, that anyone could be next and there might be nothing that anyone can do about it.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Shingeki no Kyojin - ep02

Continuing from last time, things return with the city still being under-siege by the giants. Most of this episode is to focus in on the hopelessness of their situation that they are in and not just on Eren's lost of losing his mother to the Giants. That there are many others that failed to escape the giants and hide behind the second wall that was at the rear of the city. However as people are hiding behind this wall trying to escape the city on boats. It is implied that there is only a matter of time before the Giants break through this wall as they did the last one. That these life boats are their only hope but with all life boats there is never nearly enough. That in the end when the giants do break through many are left to die while only a few are saved in the end.

This leads to an explanation of the structure of the humans defense. It appears that their world is built up of three defense walls, the one that the giants broke through was the outer most wall “Maria”. That there are two other wall, “Rose” which is to because the front-lines since the Giants have broken through “Maria”. Lastly there is “Sina” which is the final line of defense, that if that is ever broken then there will truly be no hope. This event starts a fire in Eren's heart where he will not rest until every giant is dead, where before he just wanted to know what was out there. That simple wish has been darken by his desire for revenge.

Although his revenge is a ways off in the future, with the increase in population from the refugees and with the government completely abandoning “Maria” it has just made the food shortages worse. Then to adjust for this they go on the offensive to take back “Maria” by sending out 250,000 soldiers, but the soldiers are not being sent out to fight. However the reality is that they are being sent to a glorified execution grounds because no-one expects them to come back. That with 1/5 of the population dead, the rest of society is save from starvation. Then with this things seem to have stabilized, this allow enough time to past so that Eren's can join the army to get his revenge. Then question is will he be able to survive the training.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Date A Live - ep02

The interesting thing is the direction that this series is going in because it is becoming the exact opposite of “the world that only god knows”. Instead of these Japanese games working as dating simulators, where they are suppose to help Shido but ironical it turns out that they just makes things the situation worse. They compound on this problem by having him also receive dating advice from people that are failures in the art of love, that none of this people would you actually want help from. That at various point throughout the episode, the things that he thought up by himself actual works better than the advice the “experts” give him.

Then there the fact that they had him trying to ask out a couple woman before he goes through with the real thing. However I don't know about their idea of anyone would do. This results in him first asking out his teacher, but given by fast she response it might have not been the best of ideas. Then in his desire to flee his marriage obsessed teacher he runs into Origami. Although she might not be the best choice to practice on either since she is his stalker, also since her goal is to kill all spirits especial this because she implied that it is responsible for her parents death. Then ironically when his sister feels that he has had enough practice a space-quake occurs which is centralize on where he currently is.

This leads him to what he has been preparing for his reunion with the spirit. It turns out that she is isn't comfortable with someone actual trying to talk to her, this leads her to be suspicious of Shido's actions. That is because in the times that she has appears everyone just tries to kill her, this is probable the leading reason why she wishes to converse with Shido. That in the end he is the only one that has approached her without any feeling of hostility. Then when Shido discovers she doesn't have a name and ask for him to give her one. It turns out that he made a bad decision to go to his sister for help since her advice also got him kill. Although it turns out she approves of the second name but name her Tokka is a bit ironic since the name he gave her is base on the date that they first met.

Things get a bit complicate when AST get involved, but the question is that did Origami attack Tokka because she now had a reason to act when she believe that Shido was her hostage or did she honestly believe that she was saving him from the spirit. This just has to happen just as Shido finally asks Tokka out on a date. Then after this confrontation Tokka disappears, that initial this disappoints Shido because he believe that he will have to wait for the next quake before he can see her again. However next they met he will at least know what to call her. Although it turns out that Tokka hasn't gone far, that she was just waiting for everyone else to leave so that she could be alone with Shido so that he can take her out on a date like he promised. It seem that he succeed in asking her out but will he survive the date.