Saturday, January 14, 2012

Dantalian no Shoka - Ep8

Episode 8 – 07 – Summary
Hugh and Dalian is greeted with a visit from Camilla but the strange thing is that she has a mustache and is dressed in a black suit with at top hat. Which later surprises Dalian, although she isn't too happy when the fake mustache get put on her. Then reason that Camilla came was to give Dalian a present but leave before giving Dalian the second present. After-ward they recive a call from the book store own to have look at one of his books because he believes it to be a phantom book. However when they arrive it appears that he sold it as a discount book to a blond-haired women with a fake mustache. Which it turns out he sold it to Camilla but the problem with this book is that you can trade anything for something else, even if that something else is a persons life. When they manage to catch up with Camilla they find out that she trade the book for the teddy bear that Dalian wanted.

Episode 8 – 08 – New characters

Lianna Scholes – She is the woman the had the other phantom book, and she proposed shortly after meeting Armand. It also turns out that she is an extremely jealous woman that doesn't want him to have anything to do with any other woman but her.

Episode 8 – 08 – Summary
In the other story is appears that Armand is having trouble with woman again. Although this is a bit different that last time because his jealous fiancee is trying to kill him with a phantom book. Armand end up find a phantom book, the book of relationships. It appears that this book works as part of a set, that the two books are drawn to each other leading you to your soul-mate that has the other book. However when Armand and Lianna meet she almost immediately proposed to Armand, but they couldn't get married until they could meet with their families. It seems that they weren't fated to last because Lianna got jealous of every woman he meet. Whether he was helping some up that had fallen or was talking with one of the maids. Then finally she had enough and use her book to cause his to enact a curse that would burn him to ashes. In the end Hugh has her meet with Armand and finish the curse them brings him back to life with another phantom book. In the end he says that woman are nothing but trouble. Although it doesn't take him long to go back to his old ways.

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