Sunday, August 31, 2014

Aldnoah Zero - ep09

This week they are continuing their focus on the fate of Slaine and the motives of Saazbaum. What is kind of interesting is how up front Saazbaum is with Slaine, how direct he is on his act of treason. Also on the reason on why he save Slaine was because of his debt to his father. That the reason behind this war is two fold for him. The first being that other than technology they have nothing while earth has everything that they desire. The other reason is revenge because his fiance died in the war 15 years ago, that to a degree this war is his brand of justice. That slaine has nothing to fear as long as he doesn't oppose him, but if he stands against him then he will not be saved a second time. Although this also puts Slaine in the ideal position to pursue Asseylum once again but the question is when will he get the chance to act on it.

Then you have thing also focusing on Inaho and the others. That you have a so drama building up with Inaho hanging out with the princess. While his sister implies how he is smitten with her, this also cause Inko to get worked up since it seems that her feeling run far deeper than just friendship. That while all this is going on we learn a bit more about what happened during the war as the doctor is trying to get Marito to face to source of his trauma. Although the worst thing that happens is Rayet struggle with side with earthlings how are her enemy to avenge her fathers death. What makes this some bad is she wakes up as a sleeper agent and strangles Seylum. The only reason people realize this is because the ship loses power, although this doesn't mean that she is going to stay dead because something as simple as CPR could save her. The question is will Inaho make it in time and what will happen to Rayet.

Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei - ep22

Things start out with Tatsuya meeting with Kokonoe, and he gives him a warning that there are people after his relic. Also cryptically tells him what he should do and what is going to happen. This causes Tatsuya to head strait to the third division of FLT because it appear that the Relic is no-longer safe in his possession. That on his way there he discovers a pursuer but can't do anything about without revealing himself so he allows it to follow him to FLT then destroying it. Then at the same time that he arrives his division is being hacked but the Hackers aren't taking anything. Which leads to Tatsuya to their goal is the relic, but the issue is that will Tatsuya use it as bait to draw his enemies out and force them to attack FLT.

Later Kokonoe second part of his warning comes true when someone tries to gas him while he is working on the the presentation for the convention. Although he avoid falling victim to this attack, he also uses it to catch the saboteur which turns out to be Sekimoto who gets caught in the act while Tatsuya is faking to be asleep. That while this second spy is being capture it seems that Lu Gonghu has been sent to eliminate Hirakawa Chiaka. However he gets intercepted by Mari and her boyfriend who where their to visit her. That in the end Lu Gonghu is critical injured by them and is force to abort his mission. Although the enemy still is able to hide their connection by Zhou visiting Chiaka and erasing her memory.

This event also leads to other developments when the information reaches the enemy about Sekimoto's capture they switch their targets because they feel he is of a higher risk. That ironically their attack considers with when Mari, Tatsuya, and Mayumi visit Sekimoto to interrogate him on why he did this. This ultimately force a showdown between them and the man-eating tiger. In someways this please Mari because she can have a rematch with him. Although Lu Gonghu doesn't care much about fighting Mari as he does about his mission which turns out to be his fatal mistake when go around her, this leads him into facing Tatsuya who voids his magic including the magic that is keeping his wound close. That after this is done Tatsuya doesn't need to do much more because Mari finish him off. That with his capture it leads to elimination of the spy unit but some still manage to escape. Also it look like that next week they will final be moving things to Yokohama.

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Rokujouma no Shinryakusha - ep08

In a way it is interesting how fast pace Yurika's arc is and how they waste no time introducing Maki who is Yurika's nemesis. Then there has been the fact that in each arc there was a secondary driving force that drove the progression in the plot like with Theia was the play. This partly has to do with the main point being that Yurika has to get them to believe her. Although if there was a secondary element to this arc it would be Sakuraba and her desire to be closer to Koutarou. That one of the thing that is going to be achieve by this arc other than getting the others to accept the truth about Yurika is Sakuraba becoming part of Koutarou secret life.

Things real don't progress towards this end until near the end of the episode where Maki and Yurika have their duel. Although it is unclear why Koutarou goes after Yurika alone, instead of bring everyone with him. That through Koutarou's arrival force him to accept the truth, but it also raises the question of the nature of Koutarou's powers that he is unaware of. That in the end the battle take a turn for the worse when Maki get Yurika involved. That leads to Yurika sacrificing herself to save Sakuraba but this might lead to Yurika transferring her powers to Sakuraba as Yurika has implied that someone else gave their powers to her. The real question is how will Yurika be saved.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Aldnoah Zero - ep08

It seem that now they have to deal with the aftermath on both sides. First you have the repercussions of Seylum revealing herself. Although in truth it was unavoidable because otherwise Inaho would have lost and rest of the crew would have share his fate as well. However you also have to fact that from the captains perspective Inaho was knowingly concealing the enemy. Inaho argues that he deliberately didn't. That in the end even if you knew there was much that you could do either which way so it was pointless further more if the information go back to the assassin the it would make thing worse for everyone. In the end Seylum is under the captain protection until they reach the HQ in Russia, the question is what will happen once they do reach Russia. The question is will they try to make her a political prisoner or will they to assist her in contacting her father to end the war.

Although the big issue is that fate of Slaine and how he is being tortured by Cruhteo. Although it take awhile Slaine final speaks when the fall of the latest knight is brought up. This also leads to the reveal of the missing Aldnoah drive, which leads to Cruhteo dismissing this fact since no Terran can activate it. However Slaine draws his attention to this fact when he start laughing, that although no Terran is capable of it that doesn't mean that someone else isn't. Which hint at the fact that Asseylum isn't dead, then when Slaine question Cruhteo on what he will do now that he knows. Will he try to kill her again, this cause him to reveal another secret that he was responsible for killing Trillram. That with this Cruhteo is final able to see the truth behind Slaine's action, that in knowing the the princess was still alive. He didn't know who to trust that in the end he could only act alone. It ironic that shortly after Slaine final earns Cruhteo respect that he is killed by Saazbaum as he abducts Slaine because he felt that Cruhteo was going to kill him. The question is what is in store for Slaine now.

Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei - ep21

Now with what appears to be the final preparation being put into place with the test of the experiment. This leads to exposing the spy that got away last time but this time around she doesn't escape with Mibu, Kirihara, Leo, and Erika giving chase. Although this time she is armed, even with this she is still taken down. It also seems like that she isn't the only potential spy since Sekimoto is also acting suspicious because he is trying to make a big deal of Erika and Leo's involvement because of their course two status. That he is trying to get them barred from the premise, then you have the fact that when they leave Kanon gets a call about Hirakawa Chiaki the spy waking up which cause Isori to leave with her. Then when it appear that everyone is out of sight, it looks like Sekimoto tries to steal their work but is stopped by Ichihara.

Now with Chiaki awake, she is question on what she was doing. It seems that she was trying to sabotage the experiment to get back at Tatsuya because of what happen at the Nine School competition during Fairy Dance. That her sister has to take responsibility for what happened even-though Tatsuya could have prevented it. Then Isori tries to express that all the engineers were all equal responsible that it is unfair to just blame Tatsuya. Then when they inform Tatsuya, he decides that it should be left alone. The reason being it cause things to escalate while also implying that Chiaki wasn't the only one that was loitering about. That there are still greater threats out there because it is doubtful that she is the one that hack into his system.

The other main issue that takes place during this episode is how Leo and Mikihiko are preparing themselves for the future conflict that is coming. First you have Erika training Leo to making a more competent fight by giving him a killing technique. Since she feels that this is necessary if Leo is serious about involving himself further in what has been happening. That he needs to be prepared to take a life and he needs the skill to do so. Then you have Mikihiko who is training with the security forces for the event. Although you also have a bit a love in the air with Tatsuya implying that Erika and Leo taking the day off together is no coincidence. That this implication of romance between the two also cause Mizuki and Mikihiko to become self-conscious of one another and this cause them to reach their breaking point towards the end of the episode. The question is how much longer are they going to hang around the First High School before heading off to Yokohama.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Rokujouma no Shinryakusha - ep07

Now with Koutarou taking the part of the blue knight, Theia uses this opportunity to put him through vigorous training. The main cause of this training might be because of the play but the real reason is that Theia believe that Koutarou might be the reincarnation of the blue knight. This is further reinforce when the armor does auto adjust because Koutarou's measurement are exactly the same as the original Blue Knight. Things end up taking an interesting turn with the first attempt on Theia's life when the light falls, but is save by Koutarou.

This leads Theia to believe that her rival Clariossa Daora Fortorthe or Clan for short is here to assassinate her. That the space quake they detected earlier was caused by her ship and the greatest degree of proof is that there is none. Since she is going to be sure that none of her actions can ultimately be traced back to her. This is the start of Koutarou acting as her bodyguard as the day of the play comes closer. Then the day before the play is when she actually strikes. Which is ironic that ruth finds out the truth about Herclus around the same time which ultimately leads her to the others just when Clan decides to attack.

That once again everything isn't as it seems when Clan uses direct method rather than the indirect methods that she has been using. Which is turns out that she wanted Theia to summon her weapons. The reason being is that she has set up a device that will causes them to explode so it will appear that it was just an accident but as things turn out Koutarou catches on to what is happening. That with Theia safe from harm for now they go on the attack. Which ultimately Clan is defeated by her own trap. That for Koutarou service to her she knights him, but he is unaware of this because he is asleep at the time. That this is the beginning of Theia's postive relationship with Koutarou and it also seems that the nickname of tulip is going to be transferred to Clan. Lastly with the title shown in the preview it seems that the next arc is going to focus on Yurika because of the mention of Magical Girls. Although the greater question is what is the truth behind the Blue Knight, since it seems to also have some connection to Kiriha as well.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Aldnoah Zero - ep07

This time there wasn't very much in the way of plot development but instead we had the conclusion of the third fight that took up the whole episode. That it was kind of interesting to see Inaho use Slaine That first with Slaine joining the fight they perfect their defense which results in a stalemate between the two sides. The interesting question was Inaho aware of that fake wall or was trying to cause the fist to hit the enemy and it just didn't go high enough. This leads to Inaho group becoming decoys while Captain Magbaredge's ship makes for the cavern while it can still move.

That breaking away from the ship achieve two goals. First they only have to protect themselves instead of the entire ship and second if they went with the ship they would be in more danger. Now that things are going in their favor Inaho goes on they attack with Slaine because of the believe that the enemies only means of attack are it's fist that once they are dealt with it will be defenseless. There is also the fact that the arms can be destroyed if the hands open up.

Although the plans goes smoothly and the hands are dealt with in short order, it just a bit unfair that the main body could transform as well. However this cheap moves is dealt with an equally cheap move with the activation of the flying battleship that was built inside the mountain. That this helps them obtain victory it has also force Asseylum to reveal herself in order for the ship to move. This also leads to the confrontation between Slaine and Inaho, where Inaho is wondering why Slaine knew that Asseylum was still alive. Then there is the issue of Slaine accusing Inaho of exploiting Asseylum, which raise the question of what is Inaho really think. Does he think of Slaine as a spy that is trying to kill her or of the fact that it is inconvenient for earth if she did go back. That if she did there is no grantee that the war would end.

Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei - ep20

It was nice to see that Mayumi and Mari are not quite written out of the story just yet even-though they are not in-charge of the school anymore. It was interesting to see Mayumi's interaction with Tatsuya and I don't believe that this meeting was as accidental as she tries to make it seem. The question is Mayumi honestly interested in Tatsuya or is she being prodded by her family to pursue him. Another thing it seems like it is likely that this arc will continue on until the end of the series. It will also be interesting to see what role Mari will be playing in the future.

Although the main issue with this episode was focus on security as they are being wrapped and they are preparing to head to the convention. The first issue of this is Tatsuya's home computer get hacked, and the conversation with Mari hints at the fact that for some reason the spying is unnaturally aggressive. This is also reinforce when he meets with Haruka and learns about illegal entries into Yokohama, which implies that there is an outside interest in this years convention. This leads to things starting to heat up with Tatsuya noticing one of his pursuers, although they do get away but this failed attempt also ends up bring the attention of a greater enemy. The reason being is that they are interested in where the Magatama is being kept that they have reason to believe that Tatsuya or Miyuki might know where it is because of their connection to Sayuri.

Although this greater focus on the First High School is noticed by Mizuki where she is noticing the gaze the is focused on the school. This leads Tatsuya to suggest that it might be aimed at multiple students or one specific teacher. However Mizuki wants to dismissed that it is her imagination by mikihiko rejects that idea because he has notice a disturbance in the spirit particles that seems to imply a use of shikigami. This cause Tatsuya to question the natural of the magics origin which Mikihiko can only reply that he doesn't believe it is native to this country.

The action continue to build as they go to a cafe after school this is partly done to draw out their stalker. Which turns out to be an old man working for the west whose interested is prevent the east from stealing magic research. That it isn't long after his encounter with Tatsuya's friends does he die from a different enemy to goes by the mocker “the man-eating tiger”. That this is part of the true threat that Tatsuya will be facing. Now as thing are going is seems like Tatsuya double life is going to intersected, the interesting things is going to be when the enemy realize that Tatsuya isn't someone to be messed with. The question is what is going to happen when they travel to Yokohama.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Rokujouma no Shinryakusha - ep06

It was interesting the direction they decide to go in with this current arc. Normal order that you would expect is going in the order that they appeared which would mean that Yurika should have been next or Kiriha who they hinted at a potential past between her and Koutarou but instead they went with Princess Theiamillis. That to a certain extent this makes sense because we know the least about her. That we learn about her through the script writing competition that Koutarou propose so that he can help his friend. Which leads to Tulip basing it off of her favorite story “ Legned of the Silver Princess and the Blue Knight”. The question that this raises is why is this story so dear to Theiamillis because it is interesting that her ship is call Blue Knight, does this mean that she wishes to be the Silver Princess.

Although in helping the drama club prepare for the play other relationship are built up as well. The first being with Yurika when she bring home with Rhinoceros beetle that she is taking care of for her club president. Normal this wouldn't be a problem expect for what Koutarou did to Ruth when he had his dream back at the onsen, so their relationship grows as Koutarou aid her in hiding to beetle from Ruth. The also have the fact that she is no-longer sleeping in the closet because she can't deal with the noise that the beetle is making which leads her into sleeping in the same room as Koutarou.

The second issue that is changing is Sakuraba herself with her involvement in the play as the Silver Princess. This begins with appointing her to the part because the drama club is having a difficult time finding someone for the part. That they agree to have her play the the part but she needs to work on her acting, this leads to Koutarou helping her out with her lines. However this also leads to issue that she can only properly perform her part as long as Koutarou is the Blue Knight. Which forces Koutarou to switch from a minor role to the lead role. Then as everything has come together it seem that there are sinister force at work threatening the play as well as the issue with the space quake. This seems to suggest that Sakuraba will be unable to preform the day of the play and Theiamillis will have to take her place.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Aldnoah Zero - ep06

Now through Slaine's actions we have a formal declaration of war, although it has cause more than a few complications. First you have Slaine preparing to jump ship because they view him as a traitor because of his declaration that Asslyum-hime is still alive on earth, and his only lead is the the orange enemy mech that Vlad was in pursuit of which he believe is the same one that defeat Trillram on the day that he saw Asslyum-hime. That his sole hope to stop the war and to save himself is to prove that Asslyum-hime is still alive. That to do this he need to locate Vlad's nemesis.

However with the declaration of war all the civilians that were rescued are being drafted into the army. This is a participial problem for the three martians on the ship but Seylum and her aid dodge the draft on the ground that Seylum's health prevented her from reciving training while her aid is to young to participate. Then for the third martian she avoids by stating the family issues prevented her from receiving training. However she can still volunteer but that is not the real issue for Rayet. The real problem is that she only aided Inaho because of her desire to avenge her family but that doesn't change the fact that she is involved with the assassination attempt on Asseylum. This also doesn't change the fact that her fate is now linked with the united earth forces.

Not long after everyone is drafted they are attack as they approach Tanegashima to resupply before heading to Main HQ in Russia. That with this they have the emergence of a new enemy, which appears to most tactics are ineffective against. There is also the fact that the enemy is tearing them apart from a distance with their six flying fists that is decimating the ship. After awhile they manage a defensive tactic by shooting the fist with a high enough caliber round to force the fists trajectory to be altered but it seems that this tactic is only effective with horizontal strikes not vertical ones. That they would have been finished if it wasn't for the arrival of Slaine. It seems like the key to winning this battle is finding away to divert the enemies fists into themselves forcing them to destroy themselves. Although the key to winning the war might be finding a way to equip the earth mech with Aldnoah drives to even the playing field.

Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei - ep19

It seems that this arc at the very least is a lot more action packed then the previous two. Although the question is will it be much short because of this. The first important event was of police giving chase after illegal aliens. However they got away but this also link this arc with the previous arc involving No-Headed Dragon with them being welcomed by Zhou-sensei who has clear connection with the syndicate. This then leads us into the second many issue of the episode with Tatsuya getting involved in the second half of the nine school competition that was mention that the start of previous arc. While this time it is scholarly based, which removes Tatsuya key justification of why he is unqualified because of his lack of practical skills.

Although the interesting thing is how will this paper is going to interfere with his personal life. The reason being is he is currently trying to work out how to created a magic based thermonuclear reactor. While the paper is trying to address possible theoretical solutions however the on saving grace in this it appears that in writing this paper it is done with one lead writer and two sub-writers. That Ichihara is the lead writer while Tatsuya will take the position of the remaining sub-write. That this will limit his actual involvement which would lead to a conflict of interest. It will be interesting to see how Tatsuya will interact with Ichihara and how things will change with the absence of Mayumi and Mari.

Then you have building tension on the home front with the Shiba's siblings step-mother demanding Tatsuya quit school and return to working for FLT full time. Although this will never happen because of his attachment to Miyuki. That when she tries to claim that he has been idle, Tatsuya defers to the high demand of his flying spell that has leaded to an overall profit increases of 20% of FLT yearly gross income. This force her to reveal the true nature of her impatiences that she has taken on the task of duplicating the Nino Magatama which is reputed to be able to store magic sequences. However Tatsuya is offended by her poor judgment because it is classified as a relic which also have a history of being impossible to duplicate. That it is her poor judgement and greed that has leaded to her taking on this impossible task when FLT wasn't in any need to take on such a risky endeavor.

Although Tatsuya humors her by accept the job if she leaves it with him or the third division. That is only because of his interested in it application in a magic driven thermonuclear reactor. Sayuri is outraged at his request because she probably sees it as Tatsuya stealing her glory. That as she leaves in a huff, Tatsuya follows after which turns out to be a good thing because shortly after leaving she is ambushed. That it is only by Tatsuya involvement that the Magatama isn't stolen, now it is in Tatsuya possession for it's protection whether Sayuri likes it or not. That with his report to the major the real reason that the miltary is interested in the magatama is the ability to further weaponize magic with it ability to store magical sequence. This also is the key reason on why No-Headed dragon is trying to steal it, but it is doubtful that they will have much success with it being in Tatsuya's possession. Although the greater question is why have the involved themselves with Yokohama research institute that will be hosting this years papers submissions.