Sunday, September 29, 2013

Shingeki no Kyojin - ep25

Now we have reach the final resolution between Eren and Annie. Although now Annie is more focused on escaping then fighting Eren. However eventually she is force to stand her ground and fight Eren because it become clear to her that she will never escape if she doesn't. This battle progress a lot like their previous encounter, defeat and unable to battle. That she leaves him like this but she didn't calculate for how determine Eren would be this time around. That even with a arm and leg missing he is still determine to take her down. Although this time Annie suffers more damage from Eren's attack with her losing a leg but she does manage to make it onto the wall for the last leg of her escape. Even so her attempt will prove in-vain because after fight this far they are not going to just let her escape. This is where Mikasa knock her off the wall by chopping off her fingers. Although even in defeat Annie still tries to escape by trapping herself in a crystal cocoon.

Now with everything finished, things focus in on the fate of the Recon Corps. This means that Erwin is being judge on his actions and executing his plan within the city to capture Annie. This leads him into explaining that it had to be carried out this way with so few knowing about it if they were going to succeed, since anyone could have been working with Annie. That only people that have proved their innocence already could have been trusted. Although they will not be able to get any information out of Annie, there are still other laying among them. That now is there time to mount a counter offense by hunting down the others. Things end with them alluding to the fact that the series is done for now but with the reference to the future chapters in the manga, they are also stating that in time the series will return in time.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Rozen Maidens 2013 - ep13

Now with everyone return to their proper place, the question is how will Jun carry on with out them since Shinku was the catalysis for changing his life. It seems like he can continue on without them just fine but because of them he is able to realize things he couldn't see before. That because of them he reach out to Saito which later leaded to the theater troop wanting him as their art director. Then because his willing to start standing up for other at work, leaded to him getting noticed by his bosses supervisor. It turns out that because of this they want to offer him a position as a manager after seeing his notebook. Then applying this new found view of the world he starts to begin to fit in at college. That now all he see are doors opening, that it looks like he will do just find with out them but that doesn't mean that he won't miss Shinku and the others.

This leads us to how the other Jun is going to face the world after encountering his other self. That with everything that has happen it seems that this fills him with the desire to return to school. However his return to school sets the stage for the sequel of this series. That it seems that Kirakisho has returned and the reason for Jun's accident at school is because of Kirakisho did something to him. It also seems that she also did something to Kanaria's master as well. This brings us to the point that alternate Jun's part in the story isn't quite finished yet because Shinku and the other need him to help save his counter-part. Then there is also the issue that Suigintou is still looking for her master as well. It seems like that all their paths will cross again. The only question is how many years will it be before the series is continued once again.

Monday, September 23, 2013

High school DxD new - ep12

Now with everyone reunited that things are turning around, but things really turn around when Gasper see that Issei and Rias are fighting while he is force to sit on the side lines. That with his frustration it give him the strength to fully undue what he has done freeing the others while voiding the magical circle that keep bring in reinforcements. That when things sway further in their favor Azazel swiftly deals a devastating blow to Katarea by activating his artificial sacred gear. Although when she tries to take him with her, Azazel is force to sacrifice his arm to save himself. Although once it appears that everything is finished, Vali appears to have change sides.

That it is through his betrayal that the truth about Vali is reveal, that his true name is Vali Lucifer. That he was born through the union of Lucifer and a human women, this is how a Devil was able to obtain a Scared gears which are normally only received by humans. This would make him the strongest host that Albion has ever had, which is also seems why he is the polar to everything that Issei is. That with the revelation of Vali's heritage, what is also revealed is that there is a forth faction the Chaos Brigade which is opposed to everything that the others are trying to achieve by maintaining peace. That the true battle only begins once Vali threaten to kill Issei's parents forcing him to use over-boost.

That once things truly begin it seems that Issei's desire to protect his parents isn't enough motivation to close the gap the exists between them. Although it is clear to Vali that Issei is more compatible with his dragon because he feels things more freely. This cause Vali to anger Issei more by threatening his comrades because he wants Issei to draw out more power so that he can enjoy himself more. This cause Issei to be on more even footing but it isn't enough to do any lasting damage to Vali. Although in breaking Vali's dragon armor a piece of it landed near him an idea. That if it was possible for Kiba to unit two opposing swords then it might be possible for him to absorb the Vanishing dragon power.

Though he is successful in his attempt, Vali see that he needs to get serious. This cause him to activate Divine divide, and Azazel seeing what is happening misinforms Issei of what the ability really does. That by telling Issei that it will shrink a woman's breast, this fact drives Issei over the edge by seeing that this is unforgivable. That his anger over this misinformation drive the serious fight into a comical direction, but this leads him into defeating Vali for now. Then fortunately someone from Chaos Brigade comes to pick Vali up, this saves Issei because he wouldn't be able to continue the fight. That shortly after Vali leaves, Issei passes out from exhalation.

That now it seems that with the existance of Choas Brigade there is a really possibility that true peace can be obtain now that they all have a common enemy. This begins with Issei making a request of Michael to allow Asia and Xenovia to pray. This union of good faith is further expanded by Azazel becoming the club advisor for Rias's club. That there is another reason for this is that Azazel is the most suited to help them with the development of their Sacred-Gears. That it seems that he also has a bit of news from Sirzechs that all the women need to start living with Issei. This means that not just Asia and Rias will be living with him but Akeno, Xenovia, and Koneko will as well. It seems that Issei's life will be getting much livelier. Now it seems that the second season is over, that all we have to look forward to in this series is the OVAs they will be releasing until the third season begins.  

Kamisama no Inai Nichiyoubi - ep12

Now things move towards their final conclusion, it seems that Dee has gotten jealous over the interaction between Alis and Ai so she intendeds to reset the world to tear them apart. This is done by isolating Alis and Ai while she talks to the rest of the class. This breaks them as they try a go about their daily lives until everything resets. Then when Alis catches that the reset is happening he realizes what Dee has done. This results in them rushing back to the classroom, to try a stop things that have been set in motion. Although it's ironic that it takes Dee's action of trying to reset the world to reveal the truth. That yes Dee did fall out the window but it was Alis that Died in her stead by saving her then falling out himself. This reveals why Alis and Dee were able to leave and why Dee was a ghost because part of her was still trapped inside the dimension.

That with the truth reveal the way out has been opened, that once everyone leaves Alis will disappear. Although his classmates are hesitant to leave they do so because he wants them to move forward with their live even knowing what that will mean for him. That as they are freed one by one the town starts to dissolve and with it the rest of the people that he brought here are freed as well. That in the end it is just Ai and Alis but she holds hope that there is someway to save him too. However he isn't very hopeful because he knows he can't even come back as one of the dead because he has been given a proper burial. Although when everything is finished is seems that Ai was able to do the impossible and bring Alis back with her. That in the end Ai found the world that she wanted to say and that was the world that Alis by her side. On a side note the question is did Ai resurrect Alis once she return to the world or did she breath life into the one that the dimension created, there really is no clear answer but I guess in the end it doesn't matter which it turns out to be.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

High School DxD new - ep11

Now with the ominous clouds descending, the conference continues. It seem that Azazel is find with the continuation of peace but he wants to ask to question is it really the best course of action. First he question the white dragon host Vali, it seems that he is for war because he feels that if there isn't one he will never be able to fight someone truly strong. In this way he isn't for war is just that he wants to fight and he feels to best way for this to happen is for there to be a war. While Issei isn't really clear on what Azazel is trying to get at with this, so he rephrase his question. That if there isn't a war there would be a great emphasize on procreation. This also means conversely if there is a war, there will be no time for such things. Although he doesn't state which he would prefer just that he will protect his comrades, but if given a choice it is clear which he would choose.

This creates a point where Michael brings up the fact that Issei wanted to ask him something. This bring us to the ex-communication of Asia, that Michael did that because he could barely maintain order. That it just that there was no other way for him to deal with the problem that Asia caused than what he did. This also reveals to Irina that the reason that Xenovia became a devil was because she had no where else to go. The matter with Asia cause Azazel to bring up the issue that it was cause by one of his underlings, it is questionable if this was done to have Rias in contact with Issei when the enemy forced Gasper to release his powers freezing most of everyone at the conference. It could be that he was aware of what was going on and just wants to make things more interesting because the thing he is most interest in it seems is amusing himself.

This leads to the question of how they are going to deal with things, first Vali suggest that he goes and takeout this Gasper along with the enemy. The idea is in poor taste considering what they are trying to achieve at this conference. This leads to Rias suggesting that she does a castling with her unused rook. This leads Rias brother offer his assistance so that they can seen one more person with Rias. This leads to Issei going with her, and before they leave Azazel gives Issei two bracelets. One is of these is for Gasper to help him control his power while the other is for Issei to use so that he can use his power without sacrificing a part of his body.

Now with them on the way to save Gasper, Vali leaves to deal with the enemies outside to keep himself entertain. This leads to the appearance of one the previous leaders of hell Katarea, which Azazel takes on by himself. Once Rias reaches Gasper they can't get any closer with out the enemy harming him. This causes Issei to recall what Azazel said before and uses his sword that he got from Michael to give Gasper some of his blood. That with this Gasper is saved and the tides of battle have shifted in their favor. Although the battle isn't finished yet it is like that Issei will have to fight Vali but the reason is still unclear. It could be that Vali is the true master-mind behind the attack or when everything finishes Issei will be force to fight Vali. Which ever it things should be interesting with Issei using his dragon form a second time.  

Shingeki no Kyojin - ep24

It seems that even with the truth about Annie being revealed it seems that Eren still doesn't want to believe it. That despite all the sacrifice that were made to protect him, and his self-proclaimed hatred for the Titans. He is unwilling to transform, it might be because he feels that he can't beat her or it might be that he can't bring himself to fight a former friend despite everything she has done. Whatever the reason they just can't stand by and do nothing. Now with them being trap in the tunnel with Annie above them, Armin and Mikasa leave to tunnel in hopes of drawing Annie away from Eren. Although such attempts proves to be invain because just as they leave Eren, Annie crush him from above. This leads to Armin to say behind to try and help free Eren while Mikasa helps the others with dealing with Annie.

It seems that Erwin predicted that Eren might have failed at his mission so he prepared a backup plan to trap her. When Annie is capture at first glance it looks like they succeeds but when Major Hanji taunts her how she will not be getting away this time. This throws Annie into a panic and she break free and continues on her attempt to escape the city. While still trapped beneath the ruble, Eren has to face the truth about what Armin Said to him and drag up his original motivation for becoming a soldier to the for front. That he must allow himself to be consumed by his hatred to transform so that they can stand a chance to stop Annie and not have all the sacrifice be in-vain.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Rosen Maidens 2013 - ep12

Now with the way open, Jun has to deal with the fact of what moving time forward for Shinku would mean. That her temporary body would expire, that it would spell the end for her. Although with if Jun never did this then the other Jun would have been unable to arrive with Shinku's original body. That with his arrival this reveals something to Suigintou. That even-though they both had a extra Rosa Mystica from one of their sisters, Suigintou realize the key difference is that while she stole hers through the heat of battle. Shinku extra Rosa Mystica was given freely to her from Hinainchigo, and this is why Souseiseki Rosa Mystica burned inside her. This force her to rethink the nature of the battle that exist between, and in her desire for the truth she leaves Suiseiseki Rosa Mystica with her for now.

Then with Suigintou leaving first, Jun says his goodbyes to the the others before they return to the place that they should be. Although it is a bit of a bittersweet parting for Jun after being reunited with Shinku after he thought that he lost her. However he decides he must continue to carve his own future without them, but as everyone is parting it seems that nothing is finished because Kirakisho is still alive although it appears that it will take her awhile to recover. That what we are left with is Jun returning to where the play left off. It seems that after everything there is one last episode to bring about the epilog of the story.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Kamisama no Inai Nichiyoubi - ep11

Now it seems that they confirmed what they implied in the previous episode, that Dee is in fact already dead. They confirm this fact through Ai's investigation into the nature of the wish that created this world, and her only hope is to find the answer in one of the things that Alis brought in from the outside world. However even-though he brought them here he doesn't know the nature of the wish, that it is through this exploration that Ai finds out that one of the students die. That leads Ai to assume that this is the reason that Dee doesn't have a body outside this dimension. That in the end this wish was driven by the desire to negate Dee's death, it seems that the only way that the wish could take form is for the people involved to relive that year leading up to the point of Dee's death only to relive once again.

This also leads to the point of why Dee is Alis's enemy in here, that is because she has been destroying the evidence of her death. The reason for this is because she believes that Alis wouldn't hesitate to destroy her if it meant freeing everyone else. It also seems that she is part of the reason that everything is so bad on the outside, is because Dee believes that if she destroys the outside world then Alis desire to leave will be removed. That he will have no choice but to accept this world. This means that both of Dee and Alis wish are personified by destroying one world to save another the only question is who's world will be destroyed. Even-though Ai knows how to save Alis world, she also wants to save Dee as well but that is a contradiction because she can't exist without this world. There is a possible way for Ai to save them both. That if this world breaks then Dee would become one of the dead and that would lead them back to Ortus which would lead to the story going full circle. Although the question is how will this world end, and what will become of Dee when it does.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Shingeki no Kyojin - ep23

Instead of focusing on Eren's latest trial, they instead focus in on Annie and how she has been doing since Trost. That it seems that she has sort of a fondness for Eren in has she warmly remembers him and his attempt to fight fate. This bring up the first oddity about Annie if she cared about Eren why didn't she join the others with joining the Recon Corps, when even Jean joined and he doesn't even like Eren. Then when Armin meets up with Annie in secret, that they are going to escape with Eren. That they want her help, initially she refuse but when she hears that they are planning to kill Eren she changes her mind. It takes them all this time to build up to the true point that this arc is going to emphasis. That is Annie is the Female Titan, that it was very believable that Armin honestly wanted her help.

However once she refuse to go into the underground tunnel, things take a turn for the worse. Then when she raise the question on why the street are so empty, it is clear that she knows something is up. This prompts Armin to question her on the fact that she kill the imprison Titans because when they went to have their gear inspected she was using Marco's gear and not her own. She neither confirms or denies that she did it, but it clear that she probably did. It become undeniably clear who she is when Annie didn't kill him out on the field when she could. That is when she gives the victory to Armin and declares she made her own bet, and she intends to transform. Then on seeing this intent everyone that was in hiding comes out to stop her. However we see the meaning of the ring she put on, that she must have had her suspicion of Armin's motives from the time he first approach her. Now that round three has began how will Eren face the fact that his enemy is someone he once considered a friend.

Rozen Maidens 2013 - ep11

Now with the everyone gather together, the question becomes how do they leave this place. When it is revealed that the giant clock is the key, Kanaria leaves to inform Jun and to bring him back with Shinku's original body. However it is kind of stupid of Shinku to not go with Kanaria to retrieve her original body since Kirakisho isn't really a threat anymore. What even worse is that she doesn't tell Jun of the truth that if he starts the clock moving than she will met her end. While Suigintou has no need to tell Jun this because when Shinku dies she will be able to obtain her Rose Mystica and perhaps Hinainchigo's as well, so it is in her interest that he remains ignorant. This leads to Jun's blind desire to get the time that was stopped to move once more, not knowing to truth behind this action.

However it seems that to escape Kirakisho's dimension they need the power of Suiseiseki and Souseiseki. This is a problem because Suigintou still has Souseiseki's Rose Mystica, that following the theme of the series. That all things need to be put right and in their proper place, Souseiseki convinces Suigintou to give back her Rose Mystica temporary so that Suiseiseki can have her's back or else no-one will ever leave because the clock will never move. That once the twin Rose Mystica are back in their proper place, they breath life into the clock and trim the overgrown vines away to allow the pendulum to move freely.

Although when they start to cut away the overgrowth on the pendulum, Kirakisho makes her final appearance. That she wants Jun to be her master, that in return she will shape the world in anyway his heart desires. That all he has to do is agree to be her master and make her a new body. However he no-longer desires what she is offering because he now feels that a future that is given to you has no meaning that it only has meaning when it is forged with your own two hands. It seems that Kirakisho final attempt to stop them does her in but the question is what happened to her Rose Mystica in the end. That without someone taking hold of it there is always a possibility that she really isn't gone. Then with time moving forward, Shinku's time comes to an end and she falls to piece. Even though Kanaria has made it back to the other Jun and helps him recover Shinku's body the question is are they too late. It seem now the only thing left is the epilog, where everything returns to their proper place. However that doesn't mean that the Rose Maidens didn't leave their mark on this Jun's life.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Kamisama no Inai Nichiyoubi - ep10

Now after the side trips from when Alis was first introduced back in Ortus we see the true meaning being his desire. That in this city where nether the living or dead exist there is this black void which was create by the students of year 3 class 4. That it turn out that Alis was part of this portals creation, that he wish to free his classmate by destroying to world that they created. This is what he meant by “to save to world by destroying it”. That as the introduction progress we learn a lot about this world that his class has create. The first is that only the members of his class can leave this fake world that for everyone else they are trapped here. Second is the reason on why the season are distorted is because the years are getting shorter and shorter. That in the beginning the time loop her would last an entire year and now it a little less than a year. That mean in time this dimension will disappear all together with everyone inside. Lastly Dee is not a ghost inside this space.

What all this implies is interesting, it is possible that he doesn't really care about freeing people from this world. That he might see it as a way to give Dee a body outside this fake world and allow for time to move forward. However there is a possibility that his desire to destroy this world with lead to Dee's death. The reason for this is that so of the event seems to implies that Dee died by falling out the window the same window that Alis has to use to escape this world. That is also why Dee doesn't have body outside the dimension because she is only really alive inside it. There is also the fact that Alis declares he has an enemy in this world and that is Dee. The reason for that is that Dee is opposed to his idea of destroying this place, the question who is belief is more justified. Is it better to live in a peaceful world but be force to relive the same year time and again or would it be better to live in a less than perfect world where time will not be rest each year. There is also the fact that the reason he is unable to destroy this fake world and why he is able to escape is it potential because the he himself created it. That might mean that he must kill himself to end it.