Saturday, January 14, 2012

Ikoku Meiro no Croise - Ep3

Episode 3 – Characters

Camille – Is the elder daughter of the Blache Family, her character at this point has been merely introduce. Although is seems that she care greatly for her sister Alice.

Alice – Is the younger sister of Camille, it seems that she has a great interest in the Japanese culture. It also appears that Camille is the one that bough the Kimono for Alice. Which makes it appear to be very difficult to get it back.

Episode 3 – Summary

In this episode it is mostly about expressing culture difference of Japan to someone that has never been there. Like for instance houses that are made of wood and paper, or tatami mats that are woven out of grass. The problem is that the culture is so different that any effort to express it is almost pointless because the only way for a person to really understand it is to see it. Although it is funny with the comparison between the real picture of Japan with what Claude imagines. 

Then from there it focus in on the writing, by point out the paper Yune is writing on is not going to last long enough to even reach japan. Although this gets to the point about writing, How Yune's name means “sound of hot spring”. This ends of giving Claude the idea to use the Kanji for sound in a sign for the music shop. While out delivering the sign Claude decide to go and get some paper for Yune to write to her sister as a thank you for helping him with the sign.

Although this brings up another difference that they highlight is that when it rains in Japan it really rains. However when it rains in France it doesn't usually go on for a very long time. This was a very good episode because it highlight the difference on everyday things that we usually take for granted like how we perceive building and the weather.

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