Sunday, January 15, 2012

Sacred Seven - Ep6

Episode – 06 – Characters

Cylcops – There was a brief introduction into this character early on in the episode but at this time we don't know the truth behind it. The talk about it as if it was a machine, but also at the same time there is some implication of brainwashing involved.

Arakune – Is the unnamed soldier, that was fighting with Kijima Knight a couple of episode back. Although she is all that important because all you now know her by is her code name.

Episode – 06 – Summary

This time around we are returning to the original story. Things gets started off with a fight between Kenmi and a fire breathing dark-stone. Although we don't know the real story that is going on whether this is just a training between two dark-stone users or this thing is something they are trying to recapture like with Kijima Knight. In reality this is just a prelude to introduce a new character.

Then the scene changes where we get to see how Arma and others are getting along at school. It seems that despite Ruri being the owner of the school she still has to go to class, it seems that this become a bit complicated giving grades because are you going to give your boss low marks. Anyways during this scene Ruri ask Arma to have lunch with her, however shorty after he gets up and tells the teach he is going to the bathroom. In the end this is just an excuse to try and escape Ruri because he is so use to people going out of their way to ovoid him. This is why Ruri makes him so uncomfortable because she is the only person to try to become close to him. Although in the end this piss off Ruri and cause her to leave.

Later when Ruri and Kagami have to leave because of a board meeting. It turns out that during this drive she is distracting Kagami by question him on whether or not she is annoying. Although because of this it forces Kagami to almost run someone over, but while this is happening Knight kidnaps Ruri by coming up from under the bridge and through the car to kidnap her because he needs her to make new serum. Once Kagami comes back and realize she is missing but when he calls the home base to locate her they can't find her either. In the end Kagami finds Arma and tells him what happened while passing hell-brick off to him and tells him that he what Arma not to get involved.

This in turn leads Arma to head home a try and fix hell-brick, at first it appears that he isn't successful but he is proven wrong. Then once hell-brick manages to work everything out a remebers everything that happen, he then tells Arma that she was kidnapped by Kijima Knight. Then a moment later after he tells him he fells Kijima flying overhead. Then Kenmi drives up followed by Kagami, and tells everyone that his SP is fighting Kijima, although it turns out she fail and he gets away. However they have a tracer on him for the moment. Then we are left with a cliff hanger.

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