Saturday, January 14, 2012

Mayo Chiki - Ep2

Episode 2 – New Characters

S4 (Shooting Star Subaru-Sama) – Is a Fan club that worships Konoe Subaru, however they kind of have this KKK look to them and they despise Jirou for how friendly he is with Subaru. Where they might try to kill him if of course they weren't afriad that Subaru would hate them if they did anything to Jirou.

Let's Warmly Protect Subaru-Sama Committee – Is an off shoot of the S4, where they S4 what to be romaticaly involed with Subaru the committee want to protect Jirou's and Subaru's supposed homosexual relationship. Which is ironic Considering the fact that Subaru is really a woman.

Sakamachi Yakemi – Jirou's Mother is a world Famous pro-wrestler, aka “Queen of Knockouts”. Which is one of the leading cause for Jirou's gynophobia because she used him as a punching bags sence he was five, and is currently at traveling the world to find even stronger oppenents.

Sakamachi Kureha – Jirou's sister, which seems to be fiercely overprotective of her brother, although she along with her mother cause Jirou's gynophobia. Even though it appears that she honestly loves her brother but shows it in an unheathly way.

Kumogoro – A teddy bear that Jirou gave to his sister to beat-up in his stead if he couldn't be around, which is why Jirou has to spend a lot of time stitching it up.

Episode 2 - Summary

Then with Jirou going to school with Subaru it started rummer that they were dating each other. This was for the sake of introducing the two new key players into the story, which are these two religious cults that revolve around Subaru. On is the S4 which is a cult that kind of look like a black version of the KKK with S4 writen on their hoods, and want to stop Jirou from getting close to Subaru. While on the other hand the committee wants Jirou and Subaru to get closer because they are obsessed with homosexual relationships. Although this is just a prelude to the action that with happen later in the episode.

After School is over, Jirou and Subaru go on a date but with Subaru dress as a girl instead of cross-dressing as a man. While the date proves to be semi-successful, Kanade orders her to test how far he can handle his gynophobia. Although as this is happening Kureha, Jirou's sister comes in a drop kick him to prevent them from kissing because as it turns out Kureha has been shadowing her brother since this morning. She still believe even after seeing Subaru dress as a woman that he, which is actual a she is trying to seduce her brother. After Subaru kick her when she charges, and then Kureha runs away crying Jirou is left with this unknown of what will become of his home life.

Then the next day, Jirou is face with a new horror because it is health examinations day. Which normally isn't a problem but this time he has to help Subaru help hide the fact that she is a girl by taking her measurement for her. Which furthers the schools belief that they are in a homosexual relationship. In the end the final shocker for Jirou is to find out that his sister Kureha is in love with Subaru. Which would normally be find if Subaru was really a man, so he is face with the true that his sister is unknowingly in love with a woman and doesn't even know it. Although because of this we find out that his father is dead because of his final comment at the end of the episode.

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