Wednesday, May 28, 2014

No Game No Life - ep08

This episode was a bit of a disappointment because they didn't even begin the game with the warbeast. That it was just a setting up the situation that would force them to accept their terms. However it was interesting to see how Sora provoked them, things get start by messing with the overprotective grandfather of Hatsuse Izuna by starting a game over her panties. This leads into Sora revealing the truth about the warbeast mind reading ability. It just that with their enhanced sense that have a nature lie detector, but as with our world a lie detector can be fooled.

Then in going further with this Sora raises the question on why did the elf stop challenging them and how it is directly connected to the need to wipe their opponents minds. Is because of their recent development of technology leading the the creation of video games, and with these games they can cheat all they want without the need for magic. However the elfs couldn't figure this out nor could the even remember the game. Which lead them to believe it was unwinable, but for Kuuhaku coming for a world where video games are common it doesn't matter if the warbeast cheat. Then in going a step further to force them in a position where they can't retreat Sora wagers their race piece. Which no-one has ever wagered before.

The reason that the race piece has never been wagered is because it's too much of a risk because if you lose it you lose everything. This is beneficial for Sora because it forces the warbeast the wager their race as well. However it is problematic because if they don't accept his bet it is likely that Sora will tell the elves the secret to their game which they can't afford. This event is also what has lead to Sora disappearance. It is likely that the elfes have stepped in on Kurami's behalf in attempt to stop the game by forcing him into a game before his game with the warbeast could begin or it could be something else entirely. This means that they might not even be getting to the game with the warbeast next episode but dealing with Sora's disappearance.

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