Wednesday, May 14, 2014

No Game No Life - ep06

It was interesting that they had a little fun with the Flugel Jibril instead of just jumping strait into the game. First point that was that she didn't believe that they were from another world like Steph did, Jibril was proof. Although Sora believes that his tablet that has more than 40,000 book on is proof enough that they are not from here. However it also interesting on why she doesn't believe them because to keep something here from another world that not inorganic would take someone of incredible power. In the end because there is suppose to be no language that she can't read but she can't read the tablet.

Now that the value of the tablet is proven to Jibril they will be playing for the library. Although it appears that when kuuhaku wins they will not just get the library but Jibril herself because to her the Library has the same value as her life. However she doesn't believe that she will lose. This leads us to the game, this time it is Shiritori. Which when you think about it is very sensible for a race that covets knowledge above all else. This game of Shiritori is different because it summons or erases the substance depending on whether the object being said was originally there or not. This leads to Sora starting the game off with a bang by summoning a Hydrogen bomb, proving that the words are not limited to things in this world.

Now with this first move we don't know it yet but Sora has already won, that with the long game of Shiritori it is difficult to keep track of what there and what isn't especially with words you don't know. That throughout the game he is hiding what he is doing by messing with Steph while moving towards his end game. That he is slowly erasing layers of the planet except for the out most layer and the core. Then when he does erase the last outer layer he will be on the high ground while Jibril is forced to fall. Then gets rid of the oxygen but Jibril tries to restore it but doesn't know the difference between air and oxygen. Which result in creating a vacuum, she still tries to win by using the word that Sora taught her “empty-headed” but from that he creates a supernova which kills them both however Jibril loses because she die one second sooner. Now with her loss Sora reveals everything to Jibril as well as who summoned him. That with this she willing pledges her life to serve the siblings because they came here to challenge god.

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