Friday, November 15, 2013

Valvrave the Liberator - ep18

It seem now that we are face with the truth about L-elf and the truth behind his desire to help Haruto and the others. Also it time for Haruto to face the greater truth about himself that was being hidden by L-elf. First is what allow for the present to meet the past. It seems that from helping the Loyalists they were given some information about what Dorssia, from this information the most important things is that in the future Dorssia is planning an attack on Module 77 in the future. The other point is where some of the Jiorians that were taken are being held. This leads to the creation of the plan to focus on these two agendas. L-elf knows that these people that were taken will have information of the Valvrave, this will mean that they would have meet their initial goal for coming to earth. While to the others this means that they can rescue their families. While the second objective to getting back into space to stop the attack on Module 77, to this end they are going to use a rocket that is being held at the national museum to return to space.

Things go well unit the meeting with Kriemhild his former superior who he was always aware of the fact that she was a loyalist. However because she is being noisy and ask about Mikhail throws a wrench into everything that they are planning. This set L-elf off because only one person would know that name since he was given the designation L-11. However even-though L-elf has run off Haruto believes that they should push through with what they originally had planned. This leads to Haruto finding out about who his father really is, that he is the head of the Valvrave project. That his plan was to use the Valvraves to create the next set in human evolution. That his father doesn't see Haruto as his ultimate work of art to fulfill his dream. Although because of his god complex he doesn't see the suffering that he brought to Haruto, that he see his gift as a curse. That Haruto want to destroy everything he created. While it seem that everyone else was force to go allong with Haruto's fathers plan by using their children.

While this is going on we see the truth being L-elf, that the reason he was helping them was because he wanted to save Lieselotte. That he see the country on Module 77 that they are trying to build was her save haven. That he tried to rescue her before but failed because he didn't prepare a place for them to be save. Now that he does have one, and with her being so close. This leads L-elf to the decision to take her with them when they return to space. Lieselotte is the sole reason why he has help them and why he will continue to help them because with the lies Lieselotte salvation, but the question is what is her importance to Dorssia army. The final issue is Yukino's return to the ship that they stole and it is left abandoned. The question is with everyone planning returning to space how will Yukino not be left behind once again.

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