Monday, June 17, 2013

Valvrave the Liberator - ep10

The main focus of this episode is to build up towards the conclusion. Things get started off with revealing a bit of truth about the valvraves, that the are powered by something called runes. That runes are what make up all physical matter, that if you can control runes that you can control they very structure of the universe. That the reason the ARUS pilot died when he tried to pilots unit-01 was because the students here are the only suitable pilots and there is also the fact that it was already attuned to Haruto. The the final point is revealed is that Unit-01 is very unique, that it is the only one where the AI program resides in as well as the only one capable of the Harikiri blade. That mean that Unit-01 is the only one capable of going over 100 to 666, this also might be the reason that his curse is so strong and why Haruto is getting worse.

Then this leads us into the next main focus which is the election of a proper representative. Which means that once the reach the moon, there will be more political involvement. That is why their teacher feels that she should be in power just because she is one of the few adult on the unit. Even-though there are other running for the position it become clear that Shoko is going to be elected because of the degree that she is involved in the other peoples lives. That in the end it takes Haruto to convince her to run for the position so that she can keep her fathers memory alive.

This leads into the final problem the worsening of Haruto's condition. During the progression of the election does Yukino find out about his problem, this starts on the path of keeping a closer eye on Haruto. Part of the reason for this is because of the promise she made when Haruto voiced he worse fears that it will reach a point when he will completely lose himself. That to put him at eases Yukino promise to kill him if that where to ever happen. This leads to things becoming more complicated when it is clear that he is still in love with Shoko. That when the part ways before the election, Yukino appears to remind him that it would never work out between them because of what he is now. Then after this is said does he have another attack, and rapes Yukino. That it is only through this act is Yukino is able to realize that they are cursed. The question is does Haruto's fate await them all or is there still a way for Haruto to be saved.

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