Saturday, January 25, 2014

No-rin - ep03

Now this rivalry between Minori and Ringo over Kousaku is being taken to another level. It seems that Minori is taking a preemptive strike against Ringo by getting rid of all of Kousaku's Yuka merchandize. Although supposedly this was done under the order of his mother but it probably didn't brother her in the least to do it. However she tries to make the case that it is for his own good because it would creep Ringo out if she ever had to see all this stuff, that it's better for him that it is gone. Then this leads to the fact that she is going to have a competition against Ringo tomorrow to see if she is fit to be in their school, but in reality Minori is just trying to drive her competition away.

When the actual competition does take place she tries various things to drive Ringo to quit but they all kind of back-fire on her when Minori takes all these challenges stoically. First she tries to embarrass her by having both of them in bikini cos-play for the competition, but to this doesn't effect Ringo in the least. Then in the actual competition she is expecting Ringo to be unwilling to remove bugs from the plants. It ironic that Minori the one that try to use bugs to scare Ringo is scared of them herself. Which ultimately leads to Ringo's victory because of Minori's inability to deal with insects.

Then with the first victory under her belt this leads to another competition the next day. This one is rice planting competition. That before things can get underway Ringo needs some lessons on what to do. After being show how she still doesn't quite understand how deep to put them in, so it is suggest that Kousaku assist her in the competition. However this is reject by Minori because she is displeased with how close they would be. Things are settle by giving Ringo a bit of lead rather than having Kousaku assist her. In the end it doesn't take long for things to go down hill when Ringo knocks Minori down accidental. This leads to Minori believing that this was a fake accident, which cause her to retaliate. This action cause the competition to degraded down into a mud-wrestling competition. Which concludes the competition with no real winning. That in the end Ringo wins because everything else was a draw.

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