Friday, October 18, 2013

Valvrave the Liberator - ep14

Things continue to progress as the are preparing to descend towards earth. This is where they explain the process, that they must receive clearance to dock with a transport ship which will guide them through re-entry automatically. That as they pass through security the do a bit of a tribute to Gundam Seed where they are attack by the enemy during re-entry because accidental contact another ship. This fight is more problematic for the Valvrave because of how overheating can be cause not just internally source but externally as well. This makes it where they can't travel very far from the ship without having the Valvrave overheat and become inoperable. However it reach the point where one of them has to take the risk or everyone might die.

This results in Akira being the one to take this risk to take out to one below. Although her unit overheats because of this and she is left stranded in space all by herself and everyone else is left to watch her drift away. This event reflects the sub-plot that happens in this episode on how Akira became a shut-in and why her brother feel responsible. It seems that school entry exams where coming up and even-though her brother was sick he was studying for his test. That in seeing this she wanted to help him out by getting to test from the schools servers. However she gets caught and is force to take all the blame even-though her brother is partly responsible for her action. Even further she is bullied in school because of what she did but Akira feels she is abandon once again because he does nothing for her. This leads her to becoming a shut-in because it seems like everyone else is out to harm her.

However it seems that Satomi wants to save her because if he doesn't now he will never get another chance to redeem himself. Also no-one else wants to leave her to her fate, however no can do anything. Although when all seems lost, the new weapon is ready for Haruto's unit. This weapon called the familiar is designed to help vent the excessive build-up of heat to prevent the Valvrave from overheating. First he takes out the last enemy before heading after Akira, then once he reach her Haruto works on keeping both of their units cool. However they never would have made it back if it wasn't for Satomi. Although this redeems Satomi a bit for his past crimes, it seems that Akira is nowhere near ready to forgive him. Things end with them crash down to earth in Dorissian control territory, which is another tribute to the Gundam seed series.

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