Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Haiyore! Nyaruko-san - ep03


Yasaka Nyaruko – She is a nyarlathotep, like the one from H.P. Lovecraft stories. Although the interesting thing is she tells Mahiro she is part of the planetary defense force. However if her true nature is like the ones from Lovecraft's stories, than all of this is a lie and anythings she says can't be taken too seriously.

Yasaka Mahiro – Is a 17 year-old boy that is currently living alone because his parents are away on their 17th honeymoon to celebrate their 17th anniversary. However his life got extremely complicate from the moment that Nyaruko save his life, and start to live with him.

Yoichi – Is Friends with Mahiro, and is very kind. Although he has yet to learn of the insanity that is surrounding his friend. Currently there just isn't enough information to make any real conclusion on his character.

Kurei – Appears to be another one of Mahiro friends, although he regards her as an annoyance by giving her the nickname “The Walking Speaker”. However it is difficult to say what sort of impact she will have on the story, since we have really only been introduce to her character.

Kuuko – She is a Cthugha, which are define by being call “Living Flame”. It appears that they are the archnemsis of Nyaruko's race. Also she is a bit strange because she has been in love with Nyaruko since kindergarten. Although I guess that isn't saying much considering that she is in love with Nyaruko.

Shanta-kun – Is Nyaruko's pet, that is somewhere between a bat and a pterodactyl. It also seems like he has the some magical ability that allows for him to transform, this also seems to includes machines as well. However as far as combat ability goes it is non-existent, it appears that Nyaruko keeps him around just because he is cute.


Things start with a some ominous foreshadowing, it appears that this man bares a grudge against Nyaruko and if they want to blame someone for their demises than they should blame Nyaruko. After Mahiro deals with the morning insanity from Nyaruko, they head off to school. However upon arriving it turns out there is an unpleasant surprise awaiting them. It seems that last weeks enemy Kuuko, has decided to transfer into Mahiro's class and this turn of events is very displeasing for Nyaruko. They take the conversation outside the classroom, it appears to Kuuko has resigned from Nadoes and is now work for the planetary defense force. It seems she was able to not just get the job with them but also get assign as Nyaruko partner, because her Uncle is a high ranking officer.

Then with the explanation that she isn't a threat anymore, things progress toward defining how Kuko is going to work herself into Mahiro's and Nyaruko's daily lifes. First thing is that it has created an odd love triangle. Where Nyaruko is in love with Mahiro but Kuuko is in love with Nyaruko while Mahiro hopes that Kuuko is going to take Nyaruko away. What this creates is a situation where Nyaruko sexually harasses Mahiro while Kuuko sexually harasses Nyaruko. Then with this amusing relationship defined, most of the rest of the episode is about Nyaruko trying to push off Kuuko advances. While all this is going on the mysterious figure from the beginning is making his way toward Nyaruko, however he appears to be completely incompetent because the police are pursuing him under the assumption that he is a panty theft.

He finally take an active role in the story when he is climbing the wall of the gym where Kuuko and Nyaruko are swimming inside, however he has the misfortune of being hit by the flying crow-bar that missed Kuuko. Then because of this his patience and orders his minions to attack, they are quickly beaten by an angry chain-saw welding Nyaruko for injuring Mahiro. This leads to this man directly confronting Nyaruko, but he wasn't planning on her driving out of school on a motorcycle. This event informs us of the fact that this man is her brother Nyaro-nii, although he gets run-over in the process. Then with the most current enemy defeat, things seem to end well. However it turns out that his mother is coming home from her honeymoon, and the house is a mess thanks to Nyaruko and Kuuko. Although what makes things worse is that she is just half a minute away from the house. What I find strange about this is if you are that close why are you even bather calling. That interesting question is what fate awaits Mahiro, with the arrival of his mother.

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