Sunday, February 22, 2015

Juuou Mujin no Fafnir - ep07

Things carry on from Kiri's defeat and her leaving. Although in doing so it raises more questions on what Kiri really is since at the very least she isn't completely human. That it seems the question will be answer at a later date. Then after this revelation things move on to defeating this dragon. However as things turn out this battle is mostly just a minor footnote. Where they try to lead if off the island but this only partly work and once again Yuu has to take the lead again. This time he uses the previous dragons specialty of Anti-gravity to make it weightless, this make it easy to push the dragon out to sea where Yuu can use his cannon to finish it of. This end the threat to the island and thing focus on the aftermath.

That in the aftermath the question is where will Yuu live now since his room was destroyed with the appearance of Kiri. It turns into a bit of a fight with Iris first offering to share her room with Yuu. Then things become a more difficult since Tear is still insisting that they are married. Although the situation get resolved when Mitsuki gets involved stating that Yuu will room with her. This leads into the price that Yuu has to pay for power. Since his later discussion with Mitsuki leads to a memory that was erased when she mentions that he might have been Iris first but his first was with Mitsuki. This also alludes to a promise between them that was erased. The question is what is this forget promise and also what other memories were erased in the process of using his powers that he isn't even aware of.

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