Sunday, February 1, 2015

Juuou Mujin no Fafnir - ep04

Now that the situation with Iris is resolved things move onto the next arc as we are introduced to a new character. It appears that Yuu has a bit of a past with this person. Although this connect proved to be useful when Tear goes wild as Mitsuki is introducing her but it also complicates Yuu's life. The reason being is that for some reason she believe she is a dragon and she is to be Yuu's wife. This make things difficult for Yuu since she insists on being by his side at all times. Then because of this mentality it leads her to accepting Mitsuki because she is Yuu's sister.

However because of this it causes Iris to become jealous of Tear. Which leads to her going home with Yuu and Mitsuki under the guise of trying to help Tear adjust to how things work here. Although it seems that Tear will have no problem keeping despite how young she is and for doing a good job she wants to take a bath with Yuu. This leads to Mitsuki agreeing to the request as long as her conditions are met. Which it turns out to be that they must wear swimming suits. However the situation becomes uncomfortable for Yuu when both Mitsuki and Iris join in because four people in a bathtub is a bit much. In the end it doesn't take long for Tear to adjust since her trust in Iris ends up being extended to the others in class as well. Things end with Iris wanting to take up Tear's place in Yuu's lap which is quickly denied. Next time things are going to lead into the nature of Tear's powers and why she believes she is a dragon.

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