Saturday, February 15, 2014

No-rin - ep06

Now with this episode the introduce the last of the big four Kanegami, but what is kind of ironic is that it's not the big four but the big five however Kousaku excludes Yoshida making the big five the big four. Most of the episode focus in on exploring Kanegami character and how she is obsessed with money, which is fitting since her name means money god. This leads into creation of the first of two scams. Where they are basically selling collector edition of eggs by having a famous illustrator do the box art. This is mostly successful but the disappointing fact is that the school gets all of the proceeds from the sells.

That through this success and failure Kousaku learns more about Kanegami, that she isn't so interested in make money as she is interested in how it is made. That to her what is more valuable is making connect with people now because there will be time later in life to make money. This leads to the second scam of selling logs to grow mushrooms, which seem be target towards the female consumers where the eggs where target at men. Although things don't go so well we they get caught doing this, it leads to Kousaku getting suspended for three days but Kanegami gets three weeks for being a repeat offender. However in the end Kousaku decides not to help Kanegami with anymore of his scams but it doesn't mean that they aren't friends anymore.

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