Friday, February 21, 2014

Magical Warfare - ep07

It seems now with Mui situation resolved, things switch to Takeshi and the truth about twilight. That in the end twilight is much more that just a magical sword but also has a will of it's own. Now as time pass Takeshi begins to have nightmare, that he only become concerned once these dream start to come true. This then reveals the fact that twilight has been causing these dreams by draining Takeshi's magic, that Hyoudou-sensei become aware of this only because his exhaustion catches up to him and he is force to sleep in the nurse office. This leads her warning him that he needs to stop sleeping with twilight by his bed, however when Momoka finds out that he has been continuing to sleep with the sword by his bed side despite Hyoudou's warning.

This leads to Momoka confronting Takeshi about Twilight. Although it doesn't go the way that she wants because Momoka gives him to choice either give up the sword or follow Hyoudou-sensei advice. However he choose to do neither because he feels that if these nightmare are truly vision then he must face them and he can't afford to turn away. This leads to a third option where Takeshi has to face the spirit of the sword. It seems initially that Tsuganashi was going to go with him but it seems that Mui convinced him to allow her to take his place. However there is a bit of fun and games going on inside Takeshi's dream before they final face Twilight.

That once the battle begins, Twilight first starts out with using Gekkou but from this Takeshi isn't sure if this is a vision or if it just Twilight manipulating his dream again. This leads into her facing him directly by getting him to release the sword. When that doesn't happen she threatens Mui by striking her which puts Mui in danger because she slow sucking out her mana. Then as time pass it clear the Takeshi can't beat twilight which leads him to think about what Momoka said about the relationship between an aspect and a mage is like the relationship between a parent and child. This gives him his answer Twilight wants Takeshi to recognize her and he does this by giving her the name “Towa”. Things end with Takeshi giving Kurumi her white day present while Takeshi narration alludes to the fact that his interaction with Towa mark to true begging of everything and not the end.

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