Friday, September 27, 2013

Rozen Maidens 2013 - ep13

Now with everyone return to their proper place, the question is how will Jun carry on with out them since Shinku was the catalysis for changing his life. It seems like he can continue on without them just fine but because of them he is able to realize things he couldn't see before. That because of them he reach out to Saito which later leaded to the theater troop wanting him as their art director. Then because his willing to start standing up for other at work, leaded to him getting noticed by his bosses supervisor. It turns out that because of this they want to offer him a position as a manager after seeing his notebook. Then applying this new found view of the world he starts to begin to fit in at college. That now all he see are doors opening, that it looks like he will do just find with out them but that doesn't mean that he won't miss Shinku and the others.

This leads us to how the other Jun is going to face the world after encountering his other self. That with everything that has happen it seems that this fills him with the desire to return to school. However his return to school sets the stage for the sequel of this series. That it seems that Kirakisho has returned and the reason for Jun's accident at school is because of Kirakisho did something to him. It also seems that she also did something to Kanaria's master as well. This brings us to the point that alternate Jun's part in the story isn't quite finished yet because Shinku and the other need him to help save his counter-part. Then there is also the issue that Suigintou is still looking for her master as well. It seems like that all their paths will cross again. The only question is how many years will it be before the series is continued once again.

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