Thursday, August 16, 2012

Campione - ep06

In the aftermath of Mariya's abduction, Amakasu contacts Godou. They end up meeting at the temple where he tells them that Duke Voban was responsible for her abduction. Then when Amakasu ask Godou if he would help, he immediately agrees. Erika disagrees with his decision, however once he explains that Doni has already contact him telling him that this Duke was already in Japan that this would be the perfect time to pick a fight. Although when he suggest that he would be doing this alone, Erika insist that she would be going to and there is nothing that he can do to stop her. Once that is resolved Amakasu is more than happy to tell them where Duke Voban is.

Once they arrive at the location, a bit of resistance is encounter when they are force to fight some of Voban's undead minions. However soon enough they reach the man himself, where they proceed to engage in negation. Although it is more Erika doing the negation and Godou making demands. This leads the duke to tell him that she is his property, that if he wants her back he should have brought something of equal value. Voban see her only value is to be able to summon a god for him to hunt. That if he doesn't have anything, then there is nothing further to discuss.

Once this is brought up, Erika go forward and tells that they should go forward with Salvatore suggestion. What Erika processed to do is basically insult the duke by repeating a fake message from Salvatore, that Voban is to old to be a Campione anymore that he isn't even worth his effort so he simple sent Godou that was in the same area as the duke. Voban doesn't appreciate this, and to further the insult Salvatore stole one of his kills while his friend Godou stole his other. This cause Voban to start a game with Godou where he gets Mariya back, but he must keep her until the sun rises. Then just to make things more interesting he is going to give Godou a half-hour head-start.

Then as things get underway, Mariya tries to convince Godou to just give up and save himself. Although Godou is unwilling to do this because he isn't going to abandon his a friend in need. Then as it turns out that Duke Voban is going to be a difficult enemy to beat because to effectively use his powers he must know his enemy. Once Voban began his pursuit, his hunting dogs are easily enough defeat by Erika but when the duke himself shows up things get more complicate. The reason for this is that when the duke summons his minions, but when Godou uses the white horse to summon the sun to defeat the Duke. This only results in the duke transforming and eating the sun. The episode ends with Godou being force to retreat with Mariya using his second power meaning he only has eight left to use in this fight.

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