Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo - ep12

The time has finally come to see the fruits of their labors, however the biggest question is whether or not people will accept for what it is. It turns out for the most part Nyaboron was a success until they came to the finally where the audience had to shout out their love. This end up turn away Sorata's audience, because they felt it was too embarrassing. That is until Mahiro shout out, then the rest of the team followed. This end-up giving the audience the push that they need, and that they didn't have too shout out just about love. In the end Mashiro help save everything that Sorata did, although everything isn't right with the world because with Nyaboron finish this means that Mashiro is leaving.

Then when Aoyama become aware of Mashiro leaving with Rita in the middle of packing up. Sorata tells her about that Mashiro was planning to go back to England once everything with Nyaboron was finished. That he isn't happy about and can't understand why she would throw everything away as if it never meant anything to her to began with. That all he can do is wish her well, after hearing this Aoyama convince Sorata that they are going to go after her.

Then as soon as they reach the airport, Sorata rush of and holds Mashiro tight. This allows for him to tell her what he couldn't before. That he doesn't want her to leave, however Mashiro startles him when she tells him that she isn't going anywhere. This leads to him question Rita about what she told him, and how she made it seems that Mashiro would be going back with her when everything was finished. When it turns out that Rita was only playing a trick on Sorata. Afterwords as they are watching Rita's plane leave, Mashiro so to a realization that she is in love with Sorata. It will be interesting to see how this changes things. 

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