Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Little Busters - ep12

After the break in the story last week, thing return to the main focus of getting their ninth member. However Riki tries to get them to join again, but wants her to be their manager, but she misunderstands what he means and think that the little busters are going start a band. Which leads her to create all this BL combinations. Although after awhile he set her straight in the end, by making it clear that he wants her to be the manager for their baseball team. She agreed when she misunderstood, but since she already agree before she understood what he meant. This fact doesn't change her decision to be their manager.

When Kyousuke hear that she join he is overjoyed because he believes that they finally have a full team. This leads to Riki bursting his bubble by informing that she will not be practicing with them because she is their manager that they still need a ninth person. Kyousuke for some reason believes that it is alright that they don't have a ninth person that they can do with eight. Then for some pointless reason he gets them started on making a poem for poetry contest for no real reason. Although throughout the course of trying to make this poem, Riki notices something about Nishizono isn't quite right. Things end with disappearing, and some-like her appearing in her place. The question become what is the reason for this switch, however what ever the reason might be Riki will have to solve it to truly make Nishizono one of them.

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