Wednesday, December 12, 2012

K - ep10

Now that Mikoto broken out of jail, he has started to take action. First is with his quick strike against the school because he wanted to lock it down before his target could escape. While doing this it appears that the blues have closed off the bridge, make where even after they achieve their objective they will have to fight the blues. Although most of what is going on here is just setting the stage for when things really go down. Things are coming to a close but the new seventh king probably won't come out of hiding until the Reds and the Blues start fighting each other.

Then while all this is going on we see that Shiro's group has gotten in undetected thank to Neko. Although the second key point that they focus on is the interaction between Mikoto and Munakata. That before they end up fight each other, he tries to make an agreement with Mikoto. The reason for this is if Totsuka's murder is really the Seventh King and Mikoto fight him, than it is very likely that even if he wins the fight he will still lose. That Munakata wants to prevent unnecessary damage by preventing Mikoto from using his powers, by telling him he will be dealt with in any way Mikoto sees fit all he has to do is step down. However Mikoto wants none of this, because it is a personal matter and he wants to end it personally. In the end it simple comes down to they will just do thing in there own way, what ever the end results will be what they will be.  

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