Monday, June 23, 2014

Nobunaga the Fool - ep24

Things progress to their final resolution by returning to the moment that Jeanne was shot, it turns out that she didn't die but it doesn't change the fact that she is dying. That with this act Mitsuhide is aware of Cesare and kill him for his interference, although he is also intending to kill Nobunaga because he got what he need from Jeanne. However things don't go as he hopes with Nobunaga summon the Fool which also him to final meet with King Arthur. This allows to see the true appearance of Arthur which is that of an old man trying to escape death with obtaining immortality and give everyone the world that they dream of. In the end Nobunaga can't accept living in a world that is trapped inside a dream, that truth is preferable over the illusionary world that Arthur promises even if that means that both him and Jeanne are going to die. This refects the Japanese ideology of life that in the end it only has meaning if it can end. That to live is to die, that something that can never die then you can say that it has never live at all only that it existed.

That this meeting concluded Nobunaga has his final battle with Alexanders where they wheld the full power of their planets Shinki. Which turns Nobunaga into a black dragon and Alexander into a golden Dragon. That it is through this conflict that they summon forth the Holy Grail, this also leads us to see Arthur true goal that it wasn't about harmony or immortality it just that he want to be reunited with his lost love but because of Nobunaga's nature as the destroyer-king he destroys the Holy Grail and with it Arthur's dream. Then not long after Arthur is kill in the aftermath of their battle. However now with Alexanders defeat Nobunaga doesn't stop destroying.

That with the battle finished Mitsuhide go to face Nobunaga, and the question him on why he doesn't stop. That wasn't their dream to unite heaven and earth, that if he continues then there will be nothing left. This leads to the final confrontation between Mitsuhide and Nobunaga, that in reality Nobunaga with all his power he could of crushed Mitsuhide in an instant but he doesn't. The reason is that he want Mitsuhide to kill him so that he take the tools of war with him to his grave. That in the end Nobunaga does achieve his goal of uniting Heaven and Earth, but it was never his destiny to rule over it. The greatest irony is that Da'Vinci got the roles reversed that Nobunaga was Judas and Mitsuhide was the savior, that in the end he choose to paint what he wanted in the end. However we do get our happy ending with Nobunaga and Jeanne meeting once again after they have been reincarnated.

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