Saturday, March 15, 2014

No-rin - ep10

This episode is highly focus in on Kei, and how his past is catching up to him. Although before his father arrives to try and bring him home. The prelude to this is the eggplant contest between Kei and Becky over who's is better. This brings up the issue of manufactured vegetables vs organically grown vegetables. It seems that Kei hatred for mass produced agriculture stems from the fact the his mother died because of the chemicals that his father used in mass producing his crop. This touches home with Ringo because this modern way of agriculture that focus on force cultivation reminds her of time as an idol. That she was forcefully cultivate in a similar way that the crops are, this is why she is so supportive of Kei when his father comes to take him home.

This leads another contest this time between father and son. Part of the reason for this contest is that Kei's father can't accept organically grown produce would be better than his. That he does this to show Kei how wrong he is, but as thing turns out it appears that his father wins their bet. However he changes his mind about forcing Kei to come home with him. In the end this leads to taking the study aboard offer that he initially turn down the principle on, because he wants to improve so that he can prove to his father that his way of thinking is right. Things end with both Kei and Yoshida leaving together to study aboard.

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