Friday, March 28, 2014

Magical Warfare - ep12

In this last episode it seems like they are rushing things a bit. There is no preamble about how Takeshi got from meeting with Oigami and Hotaru to being front of his house because his vision of his mothers death is his only remaining lead. This result in him meeting Gekkou with no explanation on why Ida and Miu have left his side and him going off alone. Now we have the rematch between the two with Takeshi having to deal with the horror of what Gekkou did to Towa. It turns out they are fairly evenly match now but Gekkou uses Takeshi desire to make amends against him. However when he is about to stab him Kurumi shows up and takes the blow meant for him. It appears that this is the final straw for Takeshi.

This event seems to be the leading cause behind everything, that with this Takeshi believe Gekkou is beyond salvation and is resolve to kill him. Then as they are fighting among themselves Momoka shoot them because their magic has gone out of control. However as thing turn out she has sent them into the past. It is also implied that Violet-sensei is somehow Kurumi hint at the fact that something she will get sent to the past in the pursuit of Takeshi. There is also the fact that since Kazuma is holding the photo of Kurumi that he is in-fact Takeshi and not Gekkou like his mother believe him to be. That with this time paradox, everything seem to hint at a second season sometime in the future since both Gekkou and Takeshi are in the past before the war even began.

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