Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Unbreakable Machine-Doll - ep10

Now with Raishin and Henri trapped down below because of Char attack on Edward Rutherford. However it turns out to be a good opportunity for Raishin because Henri has no where to run and currently the safest place is by Raishin's side. Then when another collapse happens Henri get injured preventing them from traveling any further. Now with nothing else to do but wait, Henri starts talking about her sister. Then before too long they are interrupted by Rutherford's bodyguard Magnus.

This is the start of a very uncomfortable time for Raishin, which leads to him getting up a leaving so that he can get some distance from Magnus. Then Henri follows after and in his irritation he tells her why he came here in the first place. That his goal is to kill Magnus because he killed his entire family. Raishin wants her to keep quite about it because this is something that even he hasn't told Char about. Then it isn't long after that Raishin gets attack by some strange butler, but he is only save by the arrival of the rescue party. Which leads to his reunion with Yaya but it seems like Henri wants to say something to Raishin although she can't because of Yaya imposing presence.

Things get difficult for Raishin because Yaya wants to remove his pants, while he wants to have a serious conversation about Char and Henri. This leads to him revealing to fact that he has a finance, so he would do anything like what she is thinking about. That he never told her because he was afraid she would kill him. That the only thing that saves him is his omission to that fact that he is going to marry her because it was something his parents decide and the fact he has no obligation anymore because his clan is gone. However this is going to cause problems in the future because Frey overheard the part about him having a finance but not the rest. Then there is the fact that Char could have hear Frey talking about to her self when she was flying overhead, and if she did it will be interesting to see the impact it has.

Although after Yaya calms down, Raishin goes about executing his plan to draw out his enemy. That from his interaction with Henri, he realize that she has been trying to kill herself for the sake of her sister. That as long as she is around, Char will never be free. That Raishin intends to use this against them to draw them into the open by kidnapping Henri. Now with the return of the butler, Raishin will be able to get to the bottom of things. However it's doubtful that it's going to be that simple since they have to make this conflict last for one more episode after this since they are staying true to form that they established with each arc being four episodes long. It seems that they will not be doing a rush ending, but setting it up so that they can continue it at a later date.

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