Saturday, August 24, 2013

Rozen Maidens 2013 - ep08

It seems that the waiting is coming to a end, that the various story treads are coming together. One of the most important things that the story focus in on is the fact that Shinku's temporary body is on it's last day. That it seems that all the plans were for not, that Shinku is going to fade away while achieving nothing. However there is also the question of the body that Jun was building, although it is clearly for Kirakisho there is possibility that Shinku could take it for her own and get another week lease on life. It seems that this is the prelude, to the appearance Kirakisho.

That everything seems to large revolve around this play that Jun was helping prepare for. First you have the fact that the play is called practical doll. Then through the preparation for the play he is force to use his talents that originally got him reject by society. There is also the fact that the three dolls that the story have been so far revolving around are gathering this play. First you have Suigintou up on the roof looking down on the set with the incomplete Kirakisho doll in Shinku's case. Then you have Shinku down on stage playing stand-in for the doll that went missing. One of the interesting facts is that this doll that went missing was speciously look a lot like Kirakisho. Then from the preview it seems that Suiseiseki is going to be joining the party. The question is how will thing fall when the curtain is raised and the show truly begins.

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