Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Rozen Maidens 2013 - ep06

It seems for the most part where the story focus on Shinku is in status, because it can't progress any further. Also to another degree it is a bit tragic because with her arrival she began to change this older Jun's life but it appear that this change is only temporary that once she leaves everything will revert back to the way it was. This is interesting because it put the other Jun and Shinku in the role of the villain by giving his counter-part happiness then taking it away. This leads to the interaction between Shinku and Suigintou to become more of a comical side-show. Another interesting dynamic that is getting developed is the hypocrisy of Shinku action. That the purpose of the Rozen Maidens is to obtain all seven crystal but they have ultimately kill their sisters to do so. However Shinku is opposed to this pursuit and this is part of the reason that she came to this other Jun because Kirakisho is a direct threat to herself and her other sisters.

This leads to another question of what further role that this other Jun is going to play. That by looking back on all that has happen, it could be suggested that Kirakisho allowed for Shinku plan to success-ed. This is highlight by the point that before Shinku could be completed the connection was severed, that with the continuation of the arrival of the make a doll series it is likely that they are being sent not by Jun but by Kirakisho. The reason being is that it is suspicious that contact is suddenly re-establish after so long. There is also the fact that Kirakisho allowed for Shinku to be completed when it was clear that she could of stopped it. Then there is the offer to given to him, by allowing him to make his own doll. Although he has to make it first, it is likely that they are being sent to Jun by Kirakisho. The reason being is that she is lacking two things that the other posses a body and a master. Since the point has been brought up that only one of these worlds can existed, then does that mean that Kirakisho can only come into existence in a world where the dolls where not wound. Then it would be very beneficial to Kirakisho to have this alternative Jun make her body because it would ultimate grant both of their wishes. It is likely that it is Kirakisho, that the finally show-down will be between the two different Juns and how their respective choice shaped their world and in the end both desire to change their life the question is who's wish will be granted. How it could also be that Jun isn't even making Kirakisho but I believe that is unlikely.

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