Friday, April 12, 2013

Devil Survivor 2 - ep02

First thing is to make a corrections from last time, it turns out that this anime is base off of an actual game. Things begin with the three of them under-arrest being taken to the Jp's HQ, although the others are just unwanted extras the one that are really interested in Hibiki. The reason for this is that he was able to summon Byakko, the reason this name is of particular importance is that Byakko is one of four gods that is said to protect the world. This leads us to Hibiki being introduce to Yamato, then from there we learn the state of the world and why they aren't doing anything to help the people.

It turns out that if the current invaders aren't defeat in about a week, than their world will be consumed. That in the end if helping the people now leads to destruction of the world, than all they would have done is given them a comfortable place to die. That is why it is of greater importance to seek a solution to the current situation because only by resolving the problem can the people be saved. However true this may or may not be Hibiki feels a bit of dishonesty about why Yamato wants him. The way he presents it is that he views Hibiki as worthless but on the other hand Byakko is very valuable and he wants it for himself. Although he can't have it so Yamato has decided to settle for possessing it through Hibiki.

This leads us to Hibiki making a deal so that Nitta can get to her parents, although it turns out that things are worse off than they thought. Which leads them to a near by shelter to look for information about whats going on. That it is during this effort to help Nitta that the shelter is attack but this time the only one that can act is Hibiki. That it is through this effort to save the people at the shelter that he makes up his mind to help Yamato but that still does mean that Yamato or Jp's is trust-worthy. That through his decision Nitta and Daichi decide to help as well, because there is still this feeling that they need to stick together until everything is resolved. However this scene with Yamato and this mysterious figure make one question if Yamato isn't their true enemy.

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