Friday, April 5, 2013

Devil Survivor 2 - ep01

In the start of the new season we have the return of Persona, the series the preceded this one was base on Persona 4 for the PS2. While the previous series was based closely on it's video game counter part, it seems that although Devil Survivor 2 has association with the Shin Megami Tensei series but isn't base on any of the previous games in the series. It is also possible that they either choose to do something new or they re-did the art style from one of the earlier games I can't really say since I haven't play this RPG. Although from the format they probably based it Persona 4 since they introduce use into the three main characters early on like they did in the previous series.

Like in the previous series the narrative revolves around our protagonist Hibiki, then from this point they create another similarity to the previous series by defining his character as someone on the outside looking in. That it is through this view point Hibiki is able to see and understand the situation they find themselves stuck in before Nitta or Daichi comprehend what going on. Also along these lines they also create a mystery that is similar but different than Persona 4's problem, and that is what is the nature of Nicaea app. That the series will probably seek to answer this single simple question as things progress. The interesting point is how will they take the series, because in the previous series the action took place in a digital world by stepping through the TV. Although in this series nothing takes place in hidden dimension everything takes place in one world with no place to run or hide.

Another thing that will be interesting is the nature of the summons, because like everything else in the series it is closely base off of Persona 4. In Persona 4 the summons where reflections of the protagonist's personality, while this time around they are simply demons the question is how are these demon related to the summoner. Then there is the fact that social interaction play a large role in powering up the summons, the question is how will that happen when our trio is about to be arrest. It might be that they intent to having things going in a different direction, that only the beginning might be similar. It is really hard to say on way or another since this is only the first episode.


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