Sunday, January 6, 2013

Maoyuu Maou Yuusha - ep01

This series is one I've been looking forward to for awhile, because of interesting take on the concept of good and evil. There is also the fact that it has already been produced in both manga and novel forms. The story starts out with a narrator telling us the basic formation of the world. How Demons and Humans have been waging war on one another for awhile, but never really says for how long. This leads us into Yuusha's party which has been cutting there way into to the heart of demon land. Where Yuusha(Hero) breaks off from the others to face the Maou(Demon Lord) alone. Although when he gets to the castle everything isn't as he expected it to be.

First of all the castle is deserted of all life other than the Maou, the other fact is he surprised that the Maou is a woman. This isn't what he was expecting at all, Yuusha believe that he was going to have a fight to the death against the Maou. Although this couldn't be further from the truth because he sitting down at the negotiating table with her. This is when Yuusha's perception of the world are shattered, that his very belief that he was serving justice are destroyed. That although war is horrible, it is because of it that both demons and humans are thriving. That they will not allow for the war to end, that even if he was to kill her now. Both sides would simply cover it up and nothing really would have changed.

It seems that the human world would suffer the most if the war end, because central is funding the southern countries to fight the demons. However if the war end, these southern countries would return to how they were before the war. Meaning that the war save these countries from perishing, that it would be even worse now since a large percentage of the population only knows how to live by the sword. That would mean if the war would end the only way for them to continue on living is to take what someone else has.

This gets us to the heart of the matter one why Maou wants Yuusha to become hers. That she wants to find another way to end the war, other than through blood. That for the war to end without one side enslaving the other, the only way would be to change the world works. That how she intents to do this is through economics, but the one things I would like to point out. Is that to do this She really doesn't need Yuusha, that the only purpose he could serve is as a bodyguard. However the main focus of the story is one how to opposing sides that would normally be trying to kill one another, are working together towards a common goal a peaceful end to the war.

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