Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Dakara Boku wa, H ga Dekinai - ep12

It seems that Darnia doesn't want to waste anytime in obtaining Ryousuke's energy, although everyone else is upset over how heartless she is being. That they should be allowed to morn their loss in peace, however it seems that Darnia has no intentions on waiting around. She shoves the other out of the way so that she can get wants she came for, but things don't turn out the way she has planned. Since Lisara still has a link with Ryousuke's soul, this means that anything Darnia attempts will be meaningless. This cause her to take extreme actions against Lisara to force her to dissolve this link so that she can do her job.

Although such forceful method are put to an end when Iria steps in to protect Lisara. This forces Iria and Darnia to take their fight outside. Then in the time that pass while Iria is holding Darnia off, Mina receives a late text message from Ryousuke. In this message Ryousuke tells her about that he hear her the first time, that he laments the fact that if things were different they could have been together. Now that Mina knows that Ryousuke loves her, this awakens her powers. Realizing what is happening Iria returns, but Darnia has no intentions to interfere because she is curious if it they will be able to change anything.

It seems that to save Ryousuke Lisara will have to separate her soul from her body but if she is gone too long Lisara will not be able to return. In the beginning Ryousuke reject her help because he feels that she is only doing this to fulfill her promise to him, and if that is her reason then he doesn't need her help. Although once she reveals that she does love him that she is doing this because she wants to, only then does he accept his help. Then when both of them return Darnia comes to a realization that the happiness a person feels is directly related to the amount energy a person produces.

This leads to the end where Darnia creates a new project called Life Jewel, where it goal is to have humans live their lives to the fullest. That by the shinigami work to bring greater happiness to humanity, they in turn would produce even greater amounts of energy when their life comes to an end. This means that by working together they can help each other prosper. However in the aftermath of Ryousuke resurrection it seems that not much has change between the two, and with this there isn't a clear conclusion. Now that the series has end it seems very unlike that their will be a second season.  

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