Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Papa no Iukoto wo Kikinasai - Episode 04

Episode – 04 characters

Segawa yuuta – Is a freshman in college, and is getting settled into his new life. His choose field of study for his major is Japanese literature. Also it appears that he has a complicated family because he was raised by his sister.

Oda Raika – She is viewed as a strange person because of the only person that she is know to spend time with is the Sightseeing Club President Sako. Where when she was a freshman she was extremely popular, however now in her second year of college as a Liberal Arts Major she is view as an outcast because of her strange behavior of not knowing how to deal with people.

Sako – He is the Sightseeing Club president, and is well known for his perverted nature. Also one thing in-particular is that he has a fetish for young girls meaning that he is a pedophile.

Nimura – Is a member of the Sightseeing club and it appears that he will be a close friend to Yuuta. Although for some strange reason he never really sleeps at his apartment but has women use it in his stead although for some reason he sleeps over at Yuuta's place but in return he pays for the food.

Sora – She is the Eldest Sister, and is from Shingo's first wife. Also another point to note is that for some reason she is deeply in-love with Yuuta her uncle who is the brother of her fathers thrid wife.

Miu – She is the middle child and is from Shingo's Second wife. While at this point it doesn't seem like she is in love with him like her elder sister, this still doesn't mean that she isn't fond of him.

Hina – She is the youngest sister, and of the three sister the only one that is of blood relation to Yuuta. It also appears that Yuuta hasn't had much interaction with her because of his dislike of Shingo because he married his sister when he had to daughter already.

Shingo – He is the husband of Yuri, Yuuta's sister. Also it appears that when he married her he brought with him two children from previous marriages. However we don't know if they end in divorce or death of his previous wives.

Yuri – Is Yuuta's sister and the third wife to Shingo. Also see wish for her whole family to exist as a whole and not have Yuuta create this barrier between them just because he doesn't like Shingo.

Episode – 04 Summary

Thing start off after them spending their first night in Yuuta's small apartment. Although upon waking up he find out that Miu and Hina are awake, however unfortunately it appears that Sora has attach herself to his side in her sleep. Once he is up he goes to the local convent store to pick them something out to eat. However his choice isn't the best because he spent 8,841 yen on food for them. This isn't a good idea because that is equal to about 88 dollars. That if he keeps doing this he will go bankrupt very quickly. Even-though he was looking at the short term on just getting them something to eat while he was in a hurry to get to work.

Then as he is on his way, he runs into Raika. Although he doesn't believe what she is saying about this being a coincidence that they manage to run into to each other at a time like this. It turns out that he is right about that because it turns out that Sako and Nimura were waiting for him along with Raika because he hasn't been showing up for club meetings. Then things quickly get out of control where Sako somehow knows that he has been around some young girls from his smell. Yuuta is a bit freaked out about how accurate that is but he doesn't what Sako to have anything to do with his niece because he doesn't feel comfortable with a pedophile near them. Then he request a small favor from Raika to keep Sako occupied while he makes his escape.

This leads us the final issue that is going to be the major focus for the rest of the episode. Which is what kind of future are these girls going to have living with Yuuta. This brings up two important question on expenses and laundry. It turns out that he has just stuffed his clothes in the closet, which once they realize this it bring up the question how are they going to do their own laundry in the future and how expensive is it going to be. The second issue is if he keeps spending his money on them they way he is, then it becomes only a matter of time before he can no-longer take care of them so they will have to make sure he take better care of his money. Although once he come home Sora explains this point to him, Yuuta says that he knows and that they can start working on saving tomorrow but he just want to express how much it means to him that they are there to greet him. Rather than living in an empty apartment.  

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