Sunday, January 18, 2015

Juuou Mujin no Fafnir - ep01&02

It seems that this season there is a major focus on Magical anime's, out of all of theme this one seems the best so far all around. In a way the plot is a bit ironic that the dragons are the one's that gave our heroes the power to stand up to this threat by giving them the power to defeat them. Although at the same time they need the D so that they can create more dragons by transforming a D into a dragon. Which gives the D a strange duality. On the one side they are humanity champions in dealing with the threat that the dragons present but on the other hand they are being use as live bait for the dragons. Which leads them to be isolated from the rest of human society.

Then there issue with Yuu that has been sent to the island to kill before they can transform into dragons. It appears that the government has little faith in the D's ability to fight the dragons which is odd since they have already kill one before. However they have also proved that they couldn't prevent the transformation since during that battle they kill two dragons meaning that they fail to prevent the D from transforming. Which raise the question on how will Yuu end up saving Iris, since almost everyone believes that she is beyond saving. That is why when Mitsuki finds out what Yuu has been asked to do, that she has requested to do it in his stead if it come to that. It's a bit ironic that they only one that really believe that she can be saved is Yuu the one tasked with killing her.

It seems that next time the action will begin, and it seem likely that Iris will be saved since it doesn't appear that this series is like Akame ga Kill where someone is getting kill off every couple of episodes. The question is how will she be saved and what part will Yuu play in it. One direction that they could go down is that Iris transforms into a dragon but Yuu is able to revert her back to normal. Other possibility is that he deals the final blow to the dragon before it gets too close to Iris. However it seems extremely unlikely that Iris will die since her romance with Yuu is just beginning and it is unlikely that they would do this if they intended just to kill her. Even more so there are still some unanswered question about Yuu and why he was outside the system for so long considering he became a D around the same time as Mitsuki. Then there is also the issue of what happen to the dragon they encounter when they were children, from the event it seems to imply that Yuu killed it.

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