Thursday, November 27, 2014

Trinity Seven - ep08

This episode functions mostly as a transition piece as well as building some character development. Initial for last time you would expect that Arata would focus solely on Selina's magic to bring back Liese. However Arata is final getting down to studying magic to know what it really is. That for this he ask help from the various members of the Trinity Seven. Although Lilith feels excluded since she is the only one that Arata doesn't go to for advice. In the end it is partly her fault since she is embarrassed by her theme being lust. That to force her to admit her vain of research they recap everyone else theme. In reality Lilith has nothing to be embarrassed about since your theme is the furthest thing from you.

Now Lilith become the main person to educated Arata on magic. That is to say most of the episode is fluff. Although they do touch on some important issue. That with Arata trying to mastery many different types of magic he raise the probability that he will turn into a monster and if that happen he will be something far worse than the dragon that they faced. The other major event is the headmaster temporary promoting Arata to Liese position as the number two in Grimoire Security. Then with that done they head off to investigate the destruction of one three great magic Academy. However thing go terribly wrong when the Headmaster warps them there. The question is what is the true nature of this Hijiri look alike and is this the person that Liese had a photo of. The other issue is how will Mira deal with being stuck with Arata.

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