Sunday, September 28, 2014

Rokujouma no Shinryakusha - ep12

This final episode feels more like a stopping point than a true conclusion. That it exists more to clarify the change in relationship between Koutarou and the invaders. That this is done with Koutarou getting another part-time job to pay for the surprised Christmas party that he wants to throw for these invaders that have become part of his family. Although he plan for throwing this party at school in the club room doesn't exactly go as plan. Since it seems the invaders had similar idea and used makenji to sabotage Koutarou's party so that he has to come home. Which results in the surprise being on him rather than the other way around.

Also in the end this episode is more like a status update, as well as showing that they have completely dropped the original premise of the series which will allow for things to go in a new direction. Then in the end as they are preparing for the second half of Theia's play were this time she is playing the lead role. There is still the issue of the previous defeated enemies are still hanging around. That it is implying that nothing is truly finished and there is the question why does Sakuraba remember who she once was although Koutarou does not. In the end is this unresolved ending the true finish or is there more to come under a different title.

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