Saturday, July 12, 2014

Rokujouma no Shinryakusha - ep01

This is going to be an interesting spin on the Harem genre, the story begins with our Protaginst Satomi Koutarou starting his life in his 6-tatami mat apartment. What is interesting is he is renting it for about 5,000 yen which is about 50 dollar, which inherently means that there is something wrong with it but he doesn't care. The reason is he want to make things easier on his father so he isn't going to allow anything to drive him away from this cheap apartment. Although there are some unanswered question such why father and son need to live apart as well as how Koutarou mother died. This is going to be important since they don't immediately explain why.

This connection is made deeper with his desire to join the Knitting Club so that he can finish the sweater that is place next to the family photo on his desk back home. However the event that begins the chaos is him falling down this hole and meeting with this spirit which bares a remarkable similarity to Sakuraba his club President. That after this encounter we see ghost images of various invaders that he will be meeting later. Things really begin as he returns home and encounter the ghost Sanae that tried to scary him last night and failed. Things get complicated when Sanae is even prepare to kill Koutarou to get ride of him so that she can have the apartment to herself again. However Koutarou is prepared for this fight because his Grandmother loves sending him go luck charms.

Although before the fight could escalate even further it is interrupted by the Magical Girl Yurika which neither Koutarou or Sanae take seriously. Than as she is trying to explain that he must leave this room because it will become the site where a great battle will take place over the great magical power the room holds she is interrupted by Kurano Kiriha who come up through the floor. That her clam is she an ancient human that were force underground many millienum ago and she want the room to rebuild their shrine. This leads to Koutarou seriously considering her offer because she is act in a civil manner, this changes when he discovers that she intends to take over the world.

Things get worse still with the arrival of an alien, however Koutarou has had enough and tries to force this newest invader out before they even arrive. Although it just make the situation worse with his hands on her chest as she come through the wall, which alone leads to her being further offended with his statement of her being flat chested. This leads to the others uniting against this newest intruder which results in Sanae dealing to final blow with tying her dress about her hand give this new comer the nickname tulip. Which cause her to lose her temper and try to wipe them out but is brought back to her sense by her attendant Ruth. Now with some degree of peace obtained it lead to a confrontation with the Landlady Shizuka which is very displeased with the stat the room is in. The question what is the nature of the agreement that she had them sign, will they all start living in the same room. Currently it unclear the direction that the series will be going in.

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