Monday, April 21, 2014

Nobunaga the Fool - ep15

Now with Jeanne captured it drives Nobunaga to travel to the western star. While Nobunaga is rushing to Jeanne's aid it seems that Cesare has his own plans for Jeanne. That Cesare goal is to get Jeanne to denounce Nobunaga as the savor and recommit her allegiance to Arther. It seems that Cesare doesn't care if this is true are not just the effect it would have on their people believe more emphatically in Arther. Although she is unwilling to lie to herself, to just save herself because it is doubtful that Cesare isn't going to just kill her after he get what he wants. Then in time Machiavelli come in with a different tactic after seeing Cesare fail.

Machiavelli uses psychological torture of physical torture by bring back to her home town in Doreme. That by bring her back home and having her see how the people views have worsened in her absents with drive Jeanne to change her mind. The this leads Machiavelli to suggest there is one way to save herself by marrying Arther, that if she was his wife then they won't dare say such things about her. Then with this attempt failing it will lead to Machiavelli deciding to burn her alive, and claiming that Jeanne vision have passed on to her.

Although this plan fall apart with Nobunaga's arrival, where the first part of his attack is by causing a fog to set in with Himiko using the Shinki of earth. Then with the fog they can deal with most of the defenders while Nobunaga goes in person to save Jeanne. Although is seem that Cesare was expecting something like this to happen that is why he set a bombs around town to destroy Nobunaga when he arrives, and if Machiavelli dies as well then it was just an unfortunate accident. Once Nobunaga saves Jeanne she tries to save the town people by using her shinki and with her single act the reassess their treatment of Jeanne. This cause them to act as a human shield for Jeanne and Nobunaga as they make their escape, although the citizen of Doreme die not at the hands of the enemy but by the effects of western dragon since the planet is dying. However it is unclear if Machiavelli made it out alive.

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