Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Kamisama no Inai Nichiyoubi - ep03

They end this first arc in an unexpected way, from the previous two episodes they leaded you to believe that Humbert would accompany Ai on her journey as she learns about the world outside her isolated village. That on their journey he would find Hana and through this they would explain why Humbert was searching for her in the first place. However it turns out differently because Humbert is a reflection of the Japanese's view on immortality, that it is more of a curse than a blessing. That early one they reveal that he is looking for a place to die. This matches with the ideal of immortality that the Japanese have because ever story must have an ending. That everything that lives must die, and if it doesn't it was never alive to began with.

That it is only later once Humbert is captured that everything is revealed. That he longs for a normal death, to die with regret and to leave love ones behind that lament his passing. That because this wish might be the reason he can't die because he feel that it is a wish that can't be achieve in this current world. However with the reunion with Yuri, Ai discover that Hana that Humbert speaks of is her mother. That means that Ai was correct this whole time that Humbert was her father. This leads her to go save him, but Yuri and Scar come along to look after her.

The Ironic thing about this is that if Ai didn't reveal the truth to Humbert about her mother than he would have remind immortal. Although because she did, it meant that he would lose his immortality. However this doesn't sadden him because what he felt was a impossible wish was granted. Although he is a bit annoyed with Hana because she left him to raise a child on her own with out telling him anything. That with his death and resurrection he decides to live one day as the undead to give Ai Astin memories of a father she never knew, before allowing himself to be buried. That with this ends the first arc and it seems that Ai's journey with continue in the company of Yuri and Scar.

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