Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo - ep22

The continuing from last time, Sorata is still trouble over what he said to Mashiro. However this time he can't look away because he end up hurting Mashiro even-though she did nothing wrong. Although at this time Sorata like everyone else doesn't realize that Mashiro has already left Sakurasou intending to sacrifice herself to save it. When they do realize that she is gone, they head after her to bring Mashiro back. Then once they get to the art room where her GPS says that she is, the only thing waiting for them is her cell and a painting. That in looking at this painting they see a reflection of everything they felt while there, however Sorata notices one thing is missing. It seems that Mashiro never painted herself into the picture, to Sorata this signifies that she was planning to sacrifice herself if thing didn't work out.

This leads to them splitting up to look for her, while splitting up Sorata has Jin and Misaki stay on campus because they need to be there for their graduation. Then before Nanami splits off from Sorata as they get into town, it seems that Nanami accepts the truth. That in the end Mashiro will always come first to Sorata, that he will never love her as she loves him. That this further splitting up to search for her symbolizes this change in there relationship. Then as Sorata continues his search, it eventual leads him to the train station where they first met. In seeing that she is not here, Sorata believes that she might be further in waiting for a train on the platform.

It turns out that he is right that Mashiro is preparing to leave them all together, that the train-track symbolizes the divide that has been create between the two of them from the action of last night. It seems that Mashiro will to leave is also related to the belief that she will only hurt Sorata further by staying and it turns out her desire to save Sakurasou is not the only thing that is pushing her away from them. Final Sorata admits that he is jealous of her and how she succeeds in everything that she does. Even thought it almost made him hate her because of it. Sorata is also greatful to her because it made him push himself in to do thing is was afraid to do. That he could never hate her because he loves her. Then as the train pass with Mashiro gone, this cause Sorata to fear the worst. Although it turns out she is crossing the bridge to reach him. That once she is by his side once again, he tells her something that she seems to not understand. That Sakurasou isn't the building but the fact that it brought them all together is the true Sakurasou. Then with this resolution, Rita arrives with Ryuunosuke to bring them back to school. It seems that there is still hope between the painting that Mashiro made and the Letter that Jin gave to his friend it might be possible for them to get the rest of the signatures that they need to save Sakurasou since everyone is going to be there for graduation.

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