Friday, November 9, 2012

Little Busters - ep05

The story arc from last time continues. Then after some time has past since they went to the retirement home, Riki becomes a bit concern about Komari so he return to get more information from Kojiro. It turns out that Kojiro confirms Riki's belief suspicions that Komari's brother was hospitalize and later on died. Although he can't think of a reason on why she would forget what happen or why her family would keep it from her. However he promise Kojiro that he wouldn't tell her, or investigate any further. It seems that Kojiro believe that it is in her best interest for her not to remember, but he see no reason to clarifies on why he believes that to be true.

Later on in the night when he went out to get something to drink, he notices Komari on the other side of the lock gate. When he calls out to her she believes that she's been caught red handed but later realizes that it is just Riki once she calms down. This leads to her inviting him to go star gazing with her. While watching shooting stars with her, Komari starts to talk about her brother again. However considering the way that she is talking about him. Riki starts to belief that she is start to regain her memories, the night ends with Komari asking Riki to go on date with her.

The next day when the go out on their date, Komari take him to where she uses to live. However she tells him that even though see lived there for a long time she doesn't really remember much of anything about it. Then when Riki see a hospital off in the distance, he believes that is where her brother past away. This is when they reach a lake, and Komari wants to go out on the lake. While they are out there Riki notice that Komari is really sad. This causes him to compare her trying to see the bottom of the lake with searching for her brother. Realizing the direction her thoughts are taking her, he tires to cause her to question to need to find her brother. After she falls on him they head home, but on the way it start to rain. This is when Riki sees a dead cat, and this dead cat brings back her memories of her brother, and we see why Kojiro didn't want her to remember.

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