Thursday, June 28, 2012

Haiyore Nyaruko-San - Episode 11

Here we begin what appears to be the final arc of the series or at least the season. The emphasis is place on Mahiro wishing for his ordinary life to return. Then in contrast to this wish, the episode begins with the exact opposite. Where he is awoken by Nyaruko, Kuuko, and Hasuta playing video-games in his while he is trying to sleep. Then shortly after this another alien is arrives at his door, who appears to have been sent by his mother. It appears that this alien Ghutatan accompanied by her butler name Major, have been sent here by his mother. The reason for this is that she believes that Nyaruko can help this lost girl find her way.

It turns out that once again Nyaruko and company are creating more problems than they solve. While each one of them has their own reason for helping out, it isn't for the sole sake of helping Ghutatan as is Mahiro's intentions. This leads to Mahiro reaching his breaking point, where he tells them to go else where while he cleans up the mess that they made. Ultimately this leads to Mahiro finding out that Ghutatan has never done anything for herself, that she has always has had help to assist her in one way or another. This forces Mahiro to bathy her and change her clothes, which later leads to Mahiro allowing her to use his lap as a pillow.

This situation causes complications, when Nyaruko and the others return. Which result in them getting the wrong idea, which leads into a chase all over town. That ends with a run in with the enemy of the week, which are effortless defeated. However because Ghutatan ends up getting injured in the fight, this sends Mahiro over the edge with the excessive way that Nyaruko does things. However this leads to Mahiro saying to much, then the day ends with Nyaruko and the other never coming home. The episode ends with a bit of for shadowing where Mahiro's wish is granted, and all the aliens are gone from his life. The question becomes where did they go and does Mahiro really wish them to be gone.

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