Monday, July 29, 2013

Shingeki no Kyojin - ep16

There is not much going on this time, but to continue the flow from the last chapter they are starting with the death of the two research subjects. That is because it was believe that someone kill them out of hatred for the Titans. In hopes of finding out who did it they are investigating everyone's gear because there will be traces of when it was last used. However from what Erwin Smith implied was that he believe that Eren might not be the only one that can turn into a titan. That they might be force to face the possibility of an enemy existence within their ranks. Although it seems that they were unsuccessful in finding anyone that could have done it.

Although the main focus is on the recent graduates deciding on which of the three division they should join. That this should have been done awhile ago but the defense of Trost prevent things from happening as they initially planned on. That so of the people that might have been planning on joining to recon corp before are going to have second thought concerning they have had the first taste of real battle. Then as things turn out the majority of the people that join the recon corp were people that were in Eren's class. That in a sense they don't want to let him bare his burden alone, however it was obvious the choice that Mikasa was going to make. Either because she doesn't want to be separated from the only remaining family that she has or that she truly is in love with Eren and doesn't realize it herself. Things end with the recon corps heading off into battle to determine whether Eren is going to live or die.

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