Monday, July 29, 2013

Rozen Maidens 2013 - ep04

Now with Shinku finally completed, the question is what did she come to this other Jun for. Although it appears there isn't going to be any advancement towards this part of the plot for awhile.
They focus mainly on how Shinku's awakening is going to change Jun's life. The first point is she treats him with more respect then she show the other Jun, the reason for this is because this Jun is an adult while the other was a child. That in the original series their interaction was more reminiscent of how siblings interacted. While her interaction with Jun is more comparable to how one might treat a distant relative. However with her appearance brings our attention to the second point. That with her arrival she has began to change his life for the better. The reason is that the other Jun was resistant to change, while this other Jun is willing to change he just doesn't know how. This is why it is happening faster with this other Jun, it could even be argued that the change was already happening when he was building Shinku.

This brings to some of the plot point that they revealed during the progression of the series. The first being is the choice to winded or not to winded this determines if the dolls are going to exists in your world. That by his decision not to winded this prevent them from entering into his world. This bring them to the next point is the body that Jun build is not her real body, that her real body is still trapped by Kirakisho. That there seem to be a big risk in coming her because she had to leave her original body behind. The next thing that expands on this is that she can only remain in this body for a week. The question is what does she hope to achieve in this one week that was worth the risk she put herself through, but it seem that question won't be answer until the other Jun is able to contact them.

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