Sunday, July 14, 2013

Rozen Maidens 2013 - ep1&2

After many years Rozen Maidens has final returned, it seems that this rendition is going to be a bit different than other works. In the other series they portray the dolls as small humans because of their relative size to Jun, it at times got you to forget slightly that they were dolls. This was also reflected in the humors hijinks and childish behavior that they displayed. Although it seems this time around they are going with a darker under tone, then to reflect this point they wants you to see them more as the dolls that they are than the humans they wish to become. This portrayal gives it a little bit more of a horror feel. However what is interesting is that this rendition works as both a sequel and as a series re-boot.

The first episode largely focused in on introducing all of the seven Rozen Maidens that original took most of the entire series to do, while also introducing to new threat of the seventh doll Kirakisho that never existed in the original anime but did exist in the manga. It seems that this series is going to focus in on the sequel to Rozen Maidens. Also the role of villain has shifted as well because Suigintou isn't forced into that roll but it will be interesting to see how her character changes. The reason being that in the original series she was a lovable villain, that at the end of the last series we got to see what lead her into becoming what she was. It a bit ironic that Shinku the hero of the story is the one responsible for corrupting Suigintou which would lead her to become the villain that she is. That in the previous series it was vary reflect of that sin.

Now with this new villain and with the use of this parallel world things are going to be vary different because the dolls are going to be living with this adult Jun. That the story behind things is that the seventh doll doesn't have a body which leads her to devouring the souls of the others to take possession of their bodies. This leads us into why the parallel Jun that choose not to wind up Shinku is rebuilding her body, that strangely enough are being sent to him buy his alternative self at exist in the past. However it seems that the enemy is already interfering with their plans and this prevent Jun from getting the final piece, there also seems to be other problems when the communication between the two Juns is cut off. It's going to be interesting to see how this series is going to differentiate itself from the previous work, as well as the interaction between the two Juns and how a simple choice change both of their lives also the fact that their might have never been a choice to began with.

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