Saturday, August 30, 2014

Rokujouma no Shinryakusha - ep08

In a way it is interesting how fast pace Yurika's arc is and how they waste no time introducing Maki who is Yurika's nemesis. Then there has been the fact that in each arc there was a secondary driving force that drove the progression in the plot like with Theia was the play. This partly has to do with the main point being that Yurika has to get them to believe her. Although if there was a secondary element to this arc it would be Sakuraba and her desire to be closer to Koutarou. That one of the thing that is going to be achieve by this arc other than getting the others to accept the truth about Yurika is Sakuraba becoming part of Koutarou secret life.

Things real don't progress towards this end until near the end of the episode where Maki and Yurika have their duel. Although it is unclear why Koutarou goes after Yurika alone, instead of bring everyone with him. That through Koutarou's arrival force him to accept the truth, but it also raises the question of the nature of Koutarou's powers that he is unaware of. That in the end the battle take a turn for the worse when Maki get Yurika involved. That leads to Yurika sacrificing herself to save Sakuraba but this might lead to Yurika transferring her powers to Sakuraba as Yurika has implied that someone else gave their powers to her. The real question is how will Yurika be saved.

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